
  1. Planetary Science

    Icy world found inside asteroid

    New observations of Ceres, the largest known asteroid, hint that frozen water may account for as much as 25 percent of its interior.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Deaths in early 1918 heralded flu pandemic

    An examination of New York City death records from early last century suggests that the world's deadliest flu virus was on the loose in New York several months before it exploded into the 1918-1919 global pandemic.

  3. Earth

    Sow what? Climate reviews help farmers choose

    African subsistence farmers are far likelier to leverage rainfall forecasts into better crop yields after attending workshops explaining the basis for the rain predictions.

  4. Ecosystems

    West Nile virus fells endangered condor

    A 3-month-old California condor chick, one of only four of this highly endangered species born in the wild this year, succumbed to a West Nile virus infection.

  5. Astronomy

    Keeping Hubble from being hobbled

    NASA late last month shut down one of the aging Hubble Space Telescope's three gyros in an effort to extend its life.

  6. 19594

    There was a line or two in this article about carnations with an aroma of Earl Grey tea or fruit loops. Well, here in the Sonoran Desert, we have wildflowers that smell like sweaty gym socks, grape Kool-Aid, or even rotting meat. When I was helping edit a desert-wildflower book years ago, I found the […]

  7. Plants

    Save the Flowers

    Now that breeders have created thousands of new ornamental-flower varieties, scientists are turning their attention to restoring the fragrances that fell victim to the process.

  8. 19593

    I am dismayed and offended that you overlooked or avoided the circumstances of the under-12-year-old victims in this article. As much as half of Thailand’s sex tourism exploits preteen and preschool children. Valerie NielsenTemecula, Calif. Your article inaccurately states, “Thai Buddhists hold that each person’s soul inhabits many physical bodies over time….” Buddha has categorically […]

  9. Childhood’s End

    In northern Thailand, parents send one or more of their daughters off to become prostitutes so that the girls will make enough money to improve the local status of their families, a finding with implications for programs aimed at stopping child prostitution.

  10. ***Notice to Subscribers in Areas Affected by Hurricane Katrina***

    The U.S. Postal Service has asked magazine publishers to suspend subscription mailings to areas that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Science News subscribers in those areas won't be charged for issues that are withheld, and their subscriptions will be extended. Mailings will resume upon notification by the USPS that delivery is reinstated.

  11. Math

    A Mathemusical Potpourri

    Turning numbers and mathematical ideas into musical tones comes in many flavors.

  12. Humans

    From the September 14, 1935, issue

    Symmetry in electric transmission lines and the chemical composition of a male sex hormone.
