
  1. Earth

    The browning of Europe

    The lengthy heat wave and drought that struck Europe in the summer of 2003 stifled the growth of vegetation and thereby reduced the amount of carbon dioxide that the continent's plants extracted from the atmosphere.

  2. Animals

    Baited camera snaps first live giant squid

    For the first time, researchers have photographed a living giant squid in the wild.

  3. Dutch elm fungus turns tree into lure

    The fungus that causes Dutch elm disease makes an infected tree strengthen its odors, attracting beetles that carry the fungus on to the next tree.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Vitamin C may treat cancer after all

    Vitamin C may be an effective cancer fighter when taken intravenously in high doses.

  5. 19602

    Ewan Cameron, who in 1971 began to collaborate with Linus Pauling on vitamin C and cancer, typically initiated patients with 10 grams per day of vitamin C given intravenously for about 2 weeks, followed by an oral dosage continued indefinitely. The two Mayo Clinic trials referred to in this article, which failed to show any […]

  6. Anthropology

    Wild gorillas take time for tool use

    Gorillas that balance on walking sticks and trudge across makeshift bridges have provided the first evidence of tool use among these creatures in the wild.

  7. Math

    Binary Dice

    A set of specially marked, black-and-white dice suggests novel puzzles and games.

  8. Earth

    Invisible Rivers

    The fresh water that seeps from continents into coastal waters via submarine springs is a phenomenon that many scientists are just beginning to appreciate, model, and accurately measure.

  9. 19601

    Nothing was said in your article about the situation in Canada, where killing bears for their gallbladders and paws is a serious problem. I suggest that you contact TRAFFIC North America and the World Wildlife Fund–Canada for detailed information on the problem in Canada. Abby SchwarzVancouver, British Columbia The article states, “Traditional medicine has been […]

  10. Humans

    A Galling Business

    Efforts are under way to halt both poaching and inhumane farming of bears to supply bile, an ingredient used in traditional Asian medicine.

  11. Humans

    From the October 5, 1935, issue

    A mammoth skull and losing teeth through evolution and diet.

  12. Monarchs in the Classroom

    Learn about monarch butterflies and the “Monarchs in the Classroom” program at this Web site from the University of Minnesota. The site provides information on the life cycle of monarch butterflies and their global distribution. Research pages highlight topics of current interest. There’s also information on how to rear monarchs. Go to: http://www.monarchlab.umn.edu/
