
  1. Animals

    Proxy Vampire: Spider eats blood by catching mosquitoes

    Researchers studying food preferences among spiders report finding the first one with a taste for vertebrate blood.

  2. High Times for Brain Growth: Marijuana-like drug multiplies neurons

    A drug that functions as concentrated marijuana does may spur the process by which the brain gives birth to new nerve cells.

  3. Chemistry

    Chemical Dancing: Chemists choreograph molecular moves for Nobel honor

    This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to three scientists for their work on a versatile strategy for synthesizing all manner of chemical compounds in an environmentally friendly way.

  4. Anthropology

    Encore for Evolutionary Small-Timers: Tiny human cousins get younger with new finds

    Excavations in an Indonesian cave have yielded more fossils of short, upright creatures that lived as recently as 12,000 years ago.

  5. Earth

    Drought’s heat killed Southwest’s piñon forests

    The heat accompanying a drought and a plague of bark beetles seem to explain the deaths of swathes of piñon pine trees across the Southwest in 2002 and 2003.

  6. Tech

    Road Warriors: Robotic vehicles triumph over desert obstacles

    In a landmark contest that has spurred advances in robotic-vehicle technology, five driverless racing machines piloted themselves over more than 200 kilometers of rugged desert terrain.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Vaccine Clears Major Hurdle: Injections offer new tool against cervical cancers

    An experimental vaccine against the virus that causes most cancers of the cervix has passed a test typically needed for regulatory approval.

  8. Paleontology

    Raptor Line: Fossil finds push back dinosaur ancestry

    Fossils of a newly discovered raptor dinosaur species suggest that the reptile's lineage is older and more widespread than previously suspected.

  9. 19603

    The discovery of the early raptor Buitreraptor may resolve one puzzle of the dinosaur-bird relationship. The late-Jurassic “first bird,” Archaeopteryx, seems closely related to dromaeosaurids, yet those animals appear to have lived later, in the Cretaceous. The realization that raptors were around much earlier makes the dinosaur-bird link even clearer. John DavisJackson, Miss.

  10. Humans

    Letters from the October 15, 2005, issue of Science News

    Sun, sky, or slather? “Sun Struck: Data suggest skin cancer epidemic looms” (SN: 8/13/05, p. 99) gives the impression that the increase in skin cancer among young people is caused by tanning in the sun. Environmental factors such as ozone depletion should have at least been referenced in the article. Cathy Hodge McCoidSacramento, Calif. In […]

  11. Materials Science

    Filling in the blanks

    Scientists have added precision to a patterning technique called microcontact printing.

  12. Planetary Science

    Mission to the outer limits

    NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has taken up temporary residence at the Kennedy Space Center, where engineers are doing final testing before the craft begins its 9-year voyage to the outer solar system.
