
  1. Rethinking how we live with wildfires

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses a new approach for managing wildfires that includes collaboration with local and Indigenous communities.

  2. Math

    Scientists find a naturally occurring molecule that forms a fractal

    The protein assembles itself into a repeating triangle pattern. The fractal seems to be an accident of evolution, scientists say.

  3. Animals

    In a first, these crab spiders appear to collaborate, creating camouflage

    Scientists found a pair of mating crab spiders blending in with a flower. The report may be the first known case of cooperative camouflage in spiders.

  4. Life

    This marine alga is the first known eukaryote to pull nitrogen from air

    An alga’s bacterial symbiote has evolved into an organelle that turns atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, making the alga unique among eukaryotes.

  5. Space

    50 years ago, scientists found a lunar rock nearly as old as the moon

    Studies of such rocks continue to reveal secrets about the moon’s history.

  6. Space

    How a sugar acid crucial for life could have formed in interstellar clouds

    Computer calculations and lab experiments have revealed a possible mechanism for the creation of glyceric acid, which has been seen in meteorites.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Teens are using an unregulated form of THC. Here’s what we know

    The compound is called delta-8-THC and, like delta-9-THC in marijuana, comes from the cannabis plant and may hurt teens’ brains.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Immune cells’ intense reaction to the coronavirus may lead to pneumonia

    Immune cells that patrol lung tissue may play a role in the progression of a coronavirus infection to pneumonia, lab studies show.

  9. Science & Society

    What Science News saw during the solar eclipse

    Science News staffers took to different parts of the United States to take in the eclipse’s glow. Here’s a glimpse of what we saw during the 2024 event.

  10. Ecosystems

    Flowers may be big antennas for bees’ electrical signals

    The finding suggests a way for plants to share information about nearby pollinators and communicate when to trigger nectar production.

  11. Health & Medicine

    A protein found in sweat may protect people from Lyme disease

    The protein stopped Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterium that is transmitted by ticks, from growing in dishes or infecting mice.

  12. Earth

    Polar forests may have just solved a solar storm mystery

    Spikes of carbon-14 in tree rings may be linked to solar flares, but evidence of the havoc-wreaking 1859 Carrington event has proven elusive until now.
