
  1. Exposure to seawater proves deadly

    Vibrio bacteria, carried in seawater, have caused a spate of infections in people along the U.S. Gulf Coast in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Iraq war casualties often complicated

    Hundreds of injured soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan harbor an unusual bacterium that complicates wound healing.

  3. Illness linked to microbe in group that makes vinegar

    Researchers have identified a new bacterium in a severely ill patient.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Strep vaccine stirs antibody production

    An experimental vaccine against the microbe that causes strep throat can induce a potent immune response in adults.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Eating disorders may have autoimmune roots

    Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa may be autoimmune diseases, according to a new study.

  6. Materials Science

    Explosive tempers

    Researchers have demonstrated that carbon nanotubes, once ignited, can detonate explosives.

  7. 19604

    I very much enjoyed this article. What struck me, however, was a passage that mentioned the “bird’s resistance to the bends” and the researchers’ alleged inability to explain that. As a scuba diver, I know that the bends, or decompression sickness, is caused by breathing compressed air underwater. More nitrogen is absorbed in body tissue […]

  8. Animals

    Cool Birds

    Emperor penguins go to such extremes to cope with life in Antarctica that they've inspired interesting science as well as a hit movie.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Antibodies Counter Diabetes

    Monoclonal antibodies that target immune cells can save pancreatic cells from the immune system for more than a year in people with type 1 diabetes.

  10. Math

    Chaotic Moon

    Saturn's craggy moon Hyperion tumbles erratically as it orbits the planet.

  11. Humans

    From the October 12, 1935, issue

    Gasoline shortages and frozen bread.

  12. Earth

    Iceberg Thrills

    The Ocean World Web site offers lessons devoted to icebergs, accompanied by dramatic images. Students can learn about the different colors of icebergs, their classification, and their life cycle. The Web site also presents the dangers that icebergs pose to people as well as their potential benefits to desert dwellers. It includes a glossary and […]
