
  1. Humans

    Misleading Numbers

    The “Number Watch” Web site focuses on “misleading” numbers that appear in the media and are often used to promote specific causes, as compiled by retired engineering professor John Brignell of the University of Southampton. Brignell also offers online resources on statistics and statistics education. The FAQ section includes answers to such questions as “Is […]

  2. Planetary Science

    Mining the moon

    New ultraviolet images of the moon help identify the presence of ilmenite, a titanium oxide whose elemental constituents may be a valuable resource for sustaining humans as they explore the lunar surface.

  3. Materials Science

    Slim and Sturdy Solar Cells: Nanocrystals offer path to electricity

    Researchers have crafted an ultrathin solar cell out of inorganic nanocrystals that have several of the advantages of plastic but avoid some of its shortcomings.

  4. 19605

    This article describes an inorganic solar cell prototype utilizing two types of cadmium nanocrystals. Do we really need to aim toward mass-producing more items that contain cadmium? This heavy metal is a toxin and carcinogen that is known for fast uptake in plants and buildup in animals’ fat. Risks associated with such a solar cell’s […]

  5. Animals

    Great Galloping Crinoids: Lilylike sea animal takes a brisk walk

    A sea creature called a stalked crinoid may look as motionless as a flower on a stem but a video has revealed it practically jogging across the ocean floor. Video.

  6. Early Stress in Rats Bites Memory Later On: Inadequate care to young animals delivers delayed hit to the brain

    The stress of receiving poor maternal care for a short period after birth comes back to haunt rats by stimulating memory losses and related brain disturbances in middle age.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Weight-Loss Costs: A critical look at gastric surgery

    Obese people who opt for weight-loss surgery incur increased odds of subsequent hospitalization and, in some groups, a substantial risk of death.

  8. Macho Makeover: Fish rapidly ascend social ladder

    Some male fish can upgrade their social status, and their appearance, in a matter of minutes.

  9. Tech

    Bionic Bacteria: Gold nanoparticles make gadgets of living microbes

    Researchers have created an electromechanical device out of living microbes.

  10. Do No Harm: Stem cells created without destroying healthy embryos

    Scientists have devised ways to isolate embryonic stem cells from mice without destroying viable embryos.

  11. Humans

    Former Science News Interns Garner Writing Awards

    The talents of one recent intern and one from many years ago have now been recognized by national awards.

  12. Humans

    Letters from the October 22, 2005, issue of Science News

    Smell the birdie I wonder if any of the researchers had a pet bird (“Myth of the Bad-Nose Birds,” SN: 8/20/05, p. 120). My Alexandrine parakeet can smell beer or ice cream from two rooms away—She screams for her share. Bruce DowRidge Manor, Fla. Brainstorm The research into placebos’ pain relief (“Placebo reins in pain […]
