
  1. Animals

    Beyond Falsetto: Do mice sing at ultrasonic frequencies?

    Male mice may serenade prospective mates at pitches about two octaves higher than the shrillest sounds audible to the human ear. With Audio.

  2. 19608

    Humans vocalize primarily non-harmonically (talk), but some can also vocalize harmonically (sing). Birds, likewise, mostly vocalize non-harmonically (chatter), but some can vocalize harmonically. It would be most helpful, when discussing birds, mice, and whale “songs,” if scientists would clarify whether they mean non-harmonic or harmonic vocalizations. Peter WilsonSimi Valley, Calif.

  3. Bad Readout from DNA: Genes that act on brain may promote dyslexia

    Studies conducted in the United States, Germany, and England indicate that two genes, both located on chromosome 6 and involved in orchestrating neural migration in developing brains, contribute to the severe learning disorder known as dyslexia.

  4. Physics

    Light Pedaling: Photonic brakes are vital for circuits

    A novel silicon microchip device slows and varies light-pulse speeds—a function considered critical for the development of photonic circuits based on light instead of electrons.

  5. Health & Medicine

    More Than an Annoyance: Breathlessness could be sign of bigger problems

    People who have dyspnea, the sensation of being frequently out of breath, may have an increased risk of dying from heart problems.

  6. Planetary Science

    New Partners: Hubble finds more moons around Pluto

    Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have spied two tiny moons orbiting Pluto, giving this planet a total of three satellites.

  7. Humans

    Letters from the November 5, 2005, issue of Science News

    Wind or fury? (“The Wind and the Fury” (SN: 9/17/05, p. 184) states, “In 2004, Florida suffered its worst hurricane season in 118 years, with nine hurricanes, five of which were classified as major.” While it’s true that 9 of the 15 named tropical or subtropical storms that formed in the North Atlantic basin last […]

  8. Dopamine gene ups schizophrenia risk

    A long-term study of children with a rare chromosome deletion indicates that those who have a single copy of a gene that promotes a dopamine overload in the brain have an above-average risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Breath test could detect bad microbe

    Using machines that identify component parts of gases, scientists can now detect markers of a dangerous fungal infection in the lungs of people just by analyzing their breath.

  10. Anthropology

    Chimps indifferent to others’ welfare

    New laboratory experiments suggest that chimpanzees, unlike people, don't care about the welfare of unrelated members of their social groups.

  11. Physics

    A matter of gravity

    Gravity Probe B has finished its test of general relativity but results of the study won't be known for another year.

  12. Questions on the Couch

    A new policy statement on evidence-based practice from the American Psychological Association illustrates the intense struggle among researchers and clinicians over how best to study the effectiveness of psychotherapy in its many forms.
