
  1. Physics

    Revisiting Einstein’s incomplete theory

    New, ultraprecise measurements of single-particle trajectories confirm that there's something missing from Einstein's mathematical model for Brownian motion.

  2. Health & Medicine

    A toast to thin blood

    Moderate consumption of alcohol may make a person's blood less likely to clot.

  3. 19611

    This article says, “the blood of people who consume 3 to 6 drinks weekly was less likely to clot in a test tube than was the blood from nondrinkers.” I wonder if there is a rebound effect that could make the blood of new abstainers even more likely to clot than that of regular nondrinkers. […]

  4. 19610

    I would venture to suggest the reason that the pasta-fragmentation process stops. Once the strand breaks, it becomes x number of new strands, each of which is still vibrating at some residual frequency and amplitude. The mass, diameter, and length of each resultant strand might determine the wavelength and amplitude necessary to break it. If […]

  5. Physics

    That’s the Way the Spaghetti Crumbles

    Investigating how uncooked spaghetti breaks has uncovered new mechanisms behind shattering and energy concentration, with possible implications for how structures fail.

  6. 19609

    This article makes the point that shrub intrusion into tundra reduces albedo, the percentage of reflected light, but doesn’t report actual impact on ground temperature. Albedo itself is not a good indicator of waste heat. Much of the extra absorbed sun energy is used by the shrubs for photosynthesis and the fixing of carbon and […]

  7. Earth

    Runaway Heat?

    A variety of changes in the Arctic is making the region darker and accelerating its warming climate.

  8. Math

    Climbing a Watery Slope

    A water-walking insect can propel itself up steep, slippery slopes without moving its legs.

  9. Humans

    From the November 2, 1935, issue

    Indian Pipe's waxen beauty, the need for better brakes, and a new magnetic alloy.

  10. Health & Medicine

    About Sinuses

    This Web site from Dr. Wellington S. Tichenor examines the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis and other sinus diseases, as well as the interrelated problems of allergy and asthma. The site defines sinusitis and provides information on treatment regimens, fungal sinusitis, surgery, sinusitis in children, and more. Go to: http://www.sinuses.com/

  11. Earth

    Volcanic Suppression: Major eruptions can reduce sea level

    Although scientists have known for years that major volcanic eruptions can temporarily cool Earth's climate, a team now suggests that such outbursts can temporarily cause sea level to drop for a while as well.

  12. Materials Science

    Up to Snuff: Nanotube network fights flames

    Researchers have found that infusing plastics with a network of carbon nanotubes reduces their flammability.
