
  1. 19612

    I’m surprised that NASA envisions an absurdly massive, nuclear-powered “gravitational tug” to avoid “the biggest problem” of a contact-tug’s need to “fir[e] its rocket engine only at specific times” to compensate for an asteroid’s rotation as mentioned in this article. Cassini, in orbit around Saturn, fires its rocket engine “only at specific times” routinely. Voyager-1 […]

  2. Physics

    Ghostly Electrons: Particles flit through atom-thin islands

    Electrical measurements of one-atom-thick slices of carbon reveal extraordinary electronic properties, including electrons that seem massless and move at blazing speeds.

  3. Archaeology

    From prison yard to holy ground

    Archaeological excavations at a prison near Megiddo, Israel, have unearthed the remains of what may be one of the region's oldest Christian churches.

  4. Animals

    Yikes! The Moon! Bat lunar phobia may come from slim pickings

    A study of creatures that fly around at night suggests that scarce food may account for why some bats avoid hunting under a full moon.

  5. Chemistry

    Whiff Weapon: Pheromone might control invasive sea lampreys

    Researchers have characterized the primary components of the migratory pheromone that guides sea lampreys to suitable spawning areas.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Statins for Algernon: Cholesterol-lowering drug fights learning disability

    A study in mice suggests that a drug prescribed for high cholesterol may reverse learning deficits caused by a common genetic disease.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Protective Progeny: Peptide treats and prevents breast cancer

    A synthetic version of a protein present in a woman's body during pregnancy is as effective against breast cancer as the current drug tamoxifen is, according to a study in rodents.

  8. Anthropology

    Gone with the Flow: Ancient Andes canals irrigated farmland

    Excavations in the Andes mountains have unearthed the earliest known irrigation canals in South America.

  9. Humans

    Letters from the November 12, 2005, issue of Science News

    Big leap The pendular running gait described in “Stepping Lightly: New view of how human gaits conserve energy” (SN: 9/17/05, p. 182) as one of the most efficient bipedal gaits looks remarkably like the way eyewitnesses claim Bigfoot creatures move. In a Bigfoot hoax, one might use a gait that is unhuman but energy efficient, […]

  10. Paleontology

    Big bird terrorized South America

    Researchers in Argentina have discovered fossils that may represent the heftiest flightless bird to ever have roamed the planet.

  11. Paleontology

    Tusk analyses suggest weaning took years

    Changes in the proportions of various chemical isotopes deposited in mammoth tusks as they grew have enabled scientists to estimate how long it took juvenile mammoths to become fully weaned.

  12. Paleontology

    Mmmm, that’s crunchy

    Isotopic analyses of the teeth of otters and mongooses from Africa have led one paleontologist to suggest that some of humanity's ancient kin shared those modern animals' preference for shelled prey such as freshwater crabs and snails.
