
  1. Computing

    Network Inoculation: Antivirus shield would outrace cyber infections

    As a new way to protect a computer network from viruses, an epidemic of antiviral protection could theoretically propagate faster through the network than the virus itself, thanks to a novel topological twist.

  2. Arbiter of Taste: Energy molecule transmits flavor to brain

    The energy molecule ATP may play a pivotal role in conveying information about foods' taste to the brain.

  3. Chemistry

    Multitasking Miniatures: Tailor-made particles are versatile

    A new class of tiny particles fashioned from metal and organic building blocks may lead to novel catalysts and sensors.

  4. Paleontology

    New View: Fossil offers novel look at an ancient bird

    A newly described specimen of an ancient creature that most scientists consider the oldest known bird is posed in a way that provides new viewing angles for several body features.

  5. Cognition down in apple-shaped seniors

    Weight gain around the waist could go hand in hand with decreasing cognitive function as people age.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Pomegranate juice could fight Alzheimer’s

    Drinking pomegranate juice, already linked to a host of positive health effects, may also slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

  7. Spurned lovers’ brains reflect risk evaluation, pain

    Using scanning technology, scientists can see the feelings of hurt, longing, and craving associated with a bad breakup reflected in the brains of recently rejected lovers.

  8. Insomniac brains are both asleep and awake

    Brains affected by sleep-induced insomnia function as if both asleep and awake.

  9. Ecosystems

    Valuing Nature

    With help from ecotourism-oriented commerce, the threatened birds of Uganda's Mabira Forest Reserve might just save themselves and set an example for conservationists elsewhere.

  10. 19616

    First, thanks for a great article. I did note a few overgeneralizations. The most important, from a beer drinker’s perspective, would be this quote from Raymond J. Klimovitz of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas: “The fresher the beer, the better it’s going to be.” While this is generally true for lighter, mainstream beers, […]

  11. Chemistry

    A Skunk Walks into a Bar . . .

    Research into the chemistry behind unpleasant beer flavors may someday lead to a more flavor-stable brew.

  12. Humans

    Letters from the November 26, 2005, issue of Science News

    Roads to ruin? Chloride concentration in streams should be a concern to everyone. However, projecting problems at century’s end based on the present rate of chloride increase is bad science (“Steep Degrade Ahead: Road salt threatens waters in Northeast,” SN: 9/24/05, p. 195). Salt use in some New England areas has roughly doubled in the […]
