
  1. Physics

    Instant Nano Blocks: One-step process makes trillions of DNA pyramids

    Researchers have unveiled a three-dimensional building component that can be created from DNA in a simple procedure.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Beyond Hearing: Cochlear implants work best when given early

    Children born deaf who receive cochlear implants as toddlers show brain activity that's more normal than that of children getting the implants later in childhood.

  3. Health & Medicine

    3-D Vision: New technique could improve breast cancer screening, diagnosis

    An experimental alternative to standard mammography could, by the end of this decade, become an essential tool for spotting breast cancer.

  4. Humans

    Gerald F. Tape (1915–2005)

    Gerald Tape, who served on the Science Service Board of Trustees for more than 30 years, died Nov. 20.

  5. Humans

    Letters from the December 10, 2005, issue of Science News

    Big Bang bashing The recent discovery of “mature” galaxies at distances corresponding to the remote cosmic past (“Crisis in the Cosmos? Galaxy formation theory is in peril,” SN: 10/8/05, p. 235) threatens more than galaxy-formation theory. It threatens to shatter the increasingly fragile Big Bang paradigm by showing that the composition of the cosmos is […]

  6. Planetary Science

    Martian dust storm

    In late October, a day after Mars and Earth were at their closest approach until 2018, the Hubble Space Telescope captured an image of a large dust storm on the Red Planet.

  7. Health & Medicine

    New malaria vaccine is off to promising start

    An experimental malaria vaccine has been shown to induce a strong immune response in people.

  8. Tech

    Sweets spur biodiesel reaction

    A Japanese research team has made an environmentally friendly biodiesel catalyst from charred sugars.

  9. Urban fish show perturbed spawning cycle

    Sediment-dwelling fish off Seattle's waterfront exhibit spawning abnormalities that may compromise their ability to reproduce successfully.

  10. Earth

    Is Teddy a pollution magnet?

    Stuffed toys can accumulate high concentrations of potentially toxic air pollutants.

  11. Ecosystems

    Feminized cod on the high seas

    Male cod in the open ocean are producing an egg-yolk protein ordinarily made only by females, signaling their potential exposure to estrogen-mimicking pollutants.

  12. Earth

    Elevated pesticide threatens amphibians

    The survival of certain mountain-dwelling amphibians may be threatened by toxic pesticides that are blown uphill from distant agricultural lands in California's Central Valley.
