
  1. Physics


    Physicists made a stable, doughnut-shaped air bubble in water by encasing the gas ring in beads that form a stiff shell.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Tomorrow’s Clot Stoppers? New anticoagulants show promise

    Two experimental drugs could become alternatives to warfarin and a class of other products that are used widely to protect against potentially fatal blood clots.

  3. Brain Training Puts Big Hurt on Intense Pain: Volunteers learn to translate imaging data into neural-control tool

    Using brain-imaging technology, researchers have trained people to control activity in a pain-related brain area by using mental techniques, thus enabling them to reduce the intensity of temporary or chronic pain.

  4. 19622

    I’m pleased that images are now available to prove that self-control over pain works. Actually, I and many other moms could have helped the researchers. During childbirth, we simply focused on various breathing techniques and discovered that the pain became manageable or disappeared. I’ve continued to use these breathing techniques in the dentist’s chair for […]

  5. Astronomy

    Cosmic Expansion: Supernovas shed light on dark energy

    A new study of light from supernovas provides additional hints that dark energy, the mysterious entity revving up the expansion of the universe, might be distributed uniformly throughout space and time.

  6. Tech

    Reaction in Hand: Microreactor produces radioactive probe in a jiffy

    A miniature chemical reactor that whips up a diagnostic tool could widen the availability of positron-emission tomography (PET) scans.

  7. Shades of Flesh Tone: Tests reveal gene for people’s skin color

    Researchers have identified a gene that they propose plays a major role in determining a person's skin color.

  8. Earth

    TB Dilemma: Badger refugees complicate culling

    Two new analyses bring an ironic twist to the heated debate over whether badgers in Britain should be killed to prevent them from spreading tuberculosis among cattle.

  9. Earth

    Glacial Change: Greenland’s ice loss doubled in 2005

    A host of observations suggests that Greenland's ice sheet diminished this year at a rate more than twice that seen just a few years ago.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Shots often don’t reach muscle

    Standard 3-centimeter needles are too short to penetrate the layer of fat in the buttocks of most women and most obese men, so injected medications aimed at muscle often don't reach their targets.

  11. Health & Medicine

    New software aids virtual colonoscopy

    A computer program helps radiologists spot dangerous growths in the colon without probing inside the body.

  12. Astronomy

    Dark shadows

    New radio telescope images of the center of the Milky Way make an even more compelling case that a supermassive black hole resides there.
