
  1. Animals

    Locust Upset: DNA puts swarmer’s origin in Africa

    The desert locust was not an ancient export from the Americas, according to a new DNA analysis.

  2. Humans

    Letters from the January 7, 2006, issue of Science News

    Death in the Americas I was wondering if researchers have given any thought to the idea that in the same way that disease devastated human populations after the European discovery of the Americas, perhaps disease was a contributing factor in the demise of much of the fauna of the Western Hemisphere (“Caribbean Extinctions: Climate change […]

  3. Chemistry

    Molecular Car Park: Material packs in carbon dioxide

    A porous, crystalline material composed of metal and organic building blocks holds more carbon dioxide than other porous substances do.

  4. Earth

    Gunning for the Gut: Tiny particles might fight invasive zebra mussels

    By modifying a technique used to flavor foods, researchers have made a substance that poisons the zebra mussel.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Alzheimer Clue: Busy brain connections may have downside

    Brain areas that are chronically activated have excess amyloid beta, the waxy protein associated with Alzheimer's disease.

  6. 19626

    It seems to me irresponsible even to float the idea, as neurologist David M. Holtzman does in this article, of chemically suppressing idle thought and daydreaming in people. Who can claim a basis for clinical discrimination of “bad” idle thought and daydreaming from the “idle thought” of intuitive problem solving and poetic imagination? More of […]

  7. Anthropology

    Stone Age Footwork: Ancient human prints turn up down under

    An ancient, dried-up lakeshore in Australia has yielded the largest known collection of Stone Age footprints, made about 20,000 years ago.

  8. 19625

    This article brought a strange conundrum to mind. If Paleolithic man was in Australia 40,000 years ago, why were the aboriginal people still living in the Stone Age when the first Europeans arrived? There were advanced cultures in the Americas by 100 B.C.E., whose ancestors had arrived by 12,000 to 15,000 years ago. Norbert EdwardsBuffalo, […]

  9. Earth

    Estimating a temblor’s strength on the fly

    New analyses of ground motions caused by large earthquakes suggest that it may be possible to estimate the full magnitude of such quakes immediately after they start rumbling.

  10. Tech

    Facing a hairy electronics problem

    Investigating why kinky metal filaments sprout spontaneously on electronic- circuit cards, researchers have found that the way metal films have been electroplated onto the surface in the first place plays a lingering role.

  11. Anthropology

    European face-off for early farmers

    A new analysis of modern and ancient human skulls supports the idea that early farmers in the Middle East spread into Europe between 11,000 and 6,500 years ago, intermarried with people there, and passed on their agricultural way of life to the native Europeans.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Protein exposes long-term risk from heart problems

    Elevated blood concentrations of a certain protein can signal risk of death in people with heart problems.
