
  1. Physics

    Smashing Success: Accelerator gets cool upgrade

    A novel scheme for increasing the number of collisions in particle accelerators has boosted the performance of the world's highest-energy collider.

  2. 19641

    After reading about the use of electrons in a particle accelerator to “cool” the antiprotons in a secondary ring, I have a question. Is it possible to make a long straight stretch of the main ring feed high-energy electrons in at an oblique angle to a deflection magnet and thereby bend the electrons into the […]

  3. Health & Medicine

    Self Help: Stem cells rescue lupus patients

    By rebuilding a patient's immune system using his or her own stem cells, doctors can reverse of the course of lupus in severely ill patients.

  4. Animals

    Poor Devils: Critters’ fights transmit cancer

    Tasmanian devils transmit cancer cells when they bite each other during routine squabbles, producing lesions that are often fatal.

  5. Humans

    Letters from the February 4, 2006, issue of Science News

    Double trouble? “Sleep apnea could signal greater danger” (SN: 11/26/05, p. 349) says that “twice as many … with sleep apnea had a stroke or died of that or another cause. …” This sounds serious, but your readers can’t correctly assign importance to “twice as many” because you omit numbers of deaths. David KollasTolland, Conn. […]

  6. Astronomy

    Galactic cannibalism

    A highly elongated group of stars is most likely a dwarf galaxy that is being gobbled up by the Milky Way.

  7. Earth

    2005 was warmest year on record

    Last year's global average temperature was the warmest since scientists began compiling records in the late 1800s.

  8. Earth

    Manganese can make water toxic

    Drinking water contaminated with manganese can subtly limit a child's intellectual development.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Rotavirus vaccines pass big safety tests

    The largest industry-funded medical trials in history have found that two new vaccines are both safe and effective against life-threatening childhood diarrhea caused by rotavirus.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Tumor’s border cells told to leave

    Cells on a tumor's outer layer that touch healthy tissue receive a chemical signal that sends them wandering away.

  11. Earth

    Warming climate will slow ocean circulation

    Later this century, rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere could slow the ocean currents that bring warm waters to the North Atlantic.

  12. 19640

    This article makes me wonder, Does continental drift cause occasional changes to the ocean’s currents? Would major reorganizations of ocean currents tend to cause ice ages by temporarily disrupting the flow of warm water that normally keeps the ice at bay? Would simulations of past continental positions indicate when reorganizations would have occurred? Matt HenryWhittier, […]
