
  1. Earth

    Global warming may already be a killer

    Earth's rising temperatures may be a precipitating factor in the extinctions of dozens of tropical frog species.

  2. Tech

    Artificial Animalcules

    Advances that include the first swimming micromachine and novel designs for similar devices are deepening scientists' understanding of the bizarre world of microscale liquids.

  3. 19646

    Perhaps in addition to using a friendly strain of Clostridium difficile to crowd out the disease-causing variety in the gut, other species of benign bacteria could be reintroduced at the same time. This might be done inexpensively using “probiotic” bacterial cultures already being sold by some health food companies. Michael DunphyNaperville, Ill. Researchers have tested […]

  4. Health & Medicine

    Flora Horror

    A diarrhea-causing bacterium has developed new resistance to a widely used class of antibiotics and has recently become more transmissible and more deadly.

  5. Math

    A Super Bowl Lift

    Does a Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl victory mean financial good times ahead?

  6. Humans

    From the February 8, 1936, issue

    The flowers of trees, fuel-saving storm windows, and making radium in the laboratory.

  7. Ecosystems

    Forest Field Trip

    Take a hike in the woods of Kentucky in this electronic field trip. The site offers an overview of forest ecology and management for grades 4 to 8. It includes video clips, an interactive game, a slideshow about the American chestnut, information about forest careers and tree products, activity pages, and a teacher’s guide. Go […]

  8. Humans

    Changing Priorities: Bush initiative shifts science-budget funds

    President Bush's proposed fiscal year 2007 budget would keep overall research and development spending at approximately current levels.

  9. Astronomy

    Found: A missing hot halo

    Astronomers have for the first time found a halo of hot inflowing gas around a massive, spiral galaxy, a likely leftover from the galaxy's formation.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Low-Fat Diet Falls Short: It’s not enough to stop cancers, heart disease

    Reducing fat consumption after menopause offers women little if any protection against breast cancer, colorectal cancer, or heart disease, according to reports from a massive, 8-year trial.

  11. 19645

    There are several problems with the popular-press interpretation of the study described in this article. The study saw a reduction to only 29 percent of calories from fat, which is still far above the 20 percent-or-less advocated by dietary and cardiovascular experts. Also, no one in the field of heart disease prevention would advocate solely […]

  12. Animals

    Males as Nannies? First test for wasps’ hidden baby-care skills

    Young male wasps, in the absence of females, can care for larvae.
