
  1. Health & Medicine

    Ear Protection: Combo vaccine prevents some infections

    A vaccine that triggers immunity against two common bacteria can prevent many ear infections in babies.

  2. Earth

    Crater in the sand

    Researchers analyzing satellite images of the Sahara Desert have discovered the region's largest impact crater.

  3. Tech

    Meddling with Metal: Novel nanocontrol yields chromium rival

    A new, nontoxic alloy that might reduce use of toxic chromium springs from a novel way to manipulate crystalline metal structures via precise control of their atomic composition.

  4. Anthropology

    Polynesian Latecomers: Easter Islanders took fast track to culture

    New radiocarbon dates from Easter Island indicate that the isolated Polynesian island was first colonized around A.D. 1200, up to 800 years later than had previously been thought.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Got Data? Consuming calcium, dairy doesn’t keep off weight

    Dairy products and other calcium-containing foods don't prevent weight gain, according to a 12-year study of middle-aged men.

  6. 19652

    In your article you report, “Every 4 years, each volunteer completed a questionnaire about his body weight and dietary habits.” Any dieter knows that it is next to impossible to remember what one has eaten 4 days ago. Any more details on how the data was acquired and validated? Ivan MannHoover, Ala. Volunteers were asked […]

  7. Astronomy

    Magnetic Memory: New model forecasts solar storms

    A new computer model predicts that the next solar-activity cycle won't begin until late 2008, a year later than the sun's standard cycle would forecast.

  8. Humans

    Letters from the March 11, 2006, issue of Science News

    Seasonal effect? Might your article, “Bright Lights, Big Cancer” (SN: 1/7/06, p. 8), on breast cancer have missed something? If the daily light-dark cycle affects melatonin, is there a seasonal change in cancer rates in the Northern (and Southern) Hemispheres? If so or not, that might give a clue to any latency period. Alan MacGregorSalmon […]

  9. Health & Medicine

    Genes for macular degeneration

    Variations in two genes could account for three-quarters of all cases of age-related macular degeneration.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Low-protein diet boosts treatment

    A diet low in protein can improve the effectiveness of drug therapy and reduce the periods of the most debilitating symptoms suffered by Parkinson's disease patients.

  11. Chemistry

    Fragment foils Alzheimer’s protein

    Researchers have synthesized a protein fragment that, in test tubes, disrupts the formation of the fiber networks suspected to cause Alzheimer's disease.

  12. Thymus twice as nice for mice

    Mice have a second thymus, located in the neck.
