
  1. Humans

    From the March 28, 1936, issue

    A flooded Washington, D.C., a giant stellar explosion, and three new nebulae.

  2. Planetary Science

    Propelling Evidence: Cassini finds clues to source of Saturn’s rings

    Four propeller-shaped gaps in one of Saturn's main rings are the latest evidence that a shattered moon produced the planet's dazzling hoops.

  3. Earth

    Coral Clues: Rise and fall of reefs record quakes’ effects

    Shallow coral reefs around islands west of Sumatra chronicled the uplift and subsidence that resulted from the massive quakes that struck that region in 2004 and 2005.

  4. Awake and Learning: Memory storage begins before bedtime

    Although a good night's sleep aids memory storage, learning isn't a task that just happens overnight.

  5. Tech

    Cool Wire: Nanostructure boosts superconductor

    The extraordinary performance of a prototype superconductive wire is encouraging superconductivity specialists, even though the prototype is unlikely to be mass-produced.

  6. Pigging Out Healthfully: Engineered pork has more omega-3s

    Scientists have created pigs that sport much higher concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in their tissues than normal pigs do.

  7. 19663

    Changing the diet of pigs, cows, chickens, etc., to include more omega-3 fatty acids would be a healthy alternative to genetic engineering and wouldn’t require government approval. In particular, the weed purslane is higher in omega-3s than any other vegetable and is also edible by humans, although it is not generally available in markets. In […]

  8. Health & Medicine

    XXL from Too Few Zs? Skimping on sleep might cause obesity, diabetes

    Widespread sleep deprivation could partly explain the current epidemics of both obesity and diabetes.

  9. Smarty Brains: High-IQ kids navigate notable neural shifts

    Children with extremely high IQ scores display a distinctive pattern of brain development, characterized by dramatic thickening and then by marked thinning of brain tissue.

  10. Humans

    Letters from the April 1, 2006, issue of Science News

    The prion game I must quibble about the headline of the piece about chronic wasting disease in deer (“Hunter Beware: Infectious proteins found in deer muscle,” SN: 1/28/06, p. 52). “Hunter Beware” sounds ominous, but in order to get the mice to exhibit symptoms after getting muscle tissue from infected deer, it was necessary to […]

  11. Tech

    Corralling Brownian motion

    A new microscope system uses electrically controlled fluid motions to counteract Brownian motion, preventing those random jitters from driving proteins, viruses, and other tiny objects out of the field of view.

  12. Physics

    Tiny wires trigger electric reversal

    Ultrathin zinc nanowires exhibit a puzzling conductivity reversal that flies in the face of known wire behavior.
