
  1. Gay Males’ Sibling Link: Men’s homosexuality tied to having older brothers

    Birth order may steer some men toward homosexuality in a process that perhaps begins before birth.

  2. 19700

    If having biological older brothers correlates to homosexuality, as claimed in your article, then we would expect that in the past, when families were larger, there would be a greater proportion of homosexuals. Is there any evidence for this? Rick NorwoodMountain Home, Tenn. The article concludes with psychologist Daryl Bem inferring that male homosexuals are […]

  3. Tech

    Blinding spies’ digital eyes

    To prevent unauthorized picture taking, an automated antispy system spots digital cameras and zaps them with confounding flashes of light.

  4. Materials Science

    Seeing the light

    Researchers have developed a smart petri dish that signals cell death with intense light.

  5. Mammalian ear cells can regenerate

    The cells responsible for hearing in mammals may be capable of regeneration, just as those of birds and other vertebrates are.

  6. Tech

    Humanlike touch from chemical film

    A nanoparticle-laden, pressure-detecting membrane feels textures with about the same sensitivity as human skin.

  7. Humans

    With permission to nap, doctors stay more alert

    Allowing doctors-in-training who are on call to hand off to another doctor the pager that summons them to the next patient increases the amount of sleep they get and reduces their fatigue.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Pregnancy risk from blood pressure drugs?

    Babies exposed in the first trimester of their mother's pregnancy to blood pressure drugs called ACE inhibitors are at an increased risk of birth defects.

  9. Cells in bloodstream don’t refill ovaries

    Contrary to a report published last year, cells that circulate in a female mammal's blood don't seem to restock its egg supplies.

  10. Astronomy

    Galactic de Gustibus

    About 13 billion years after its birth, our galaxy is still packing on the stars.

  11. Anthropology

    Mexican find reveals ancient dental work

    A 4,500-year-old human skeleton found in Mexico represents the earliest instance in the Americas of intentionally modified teeth, apparently to create space for a ceremonial mouthpiece.

  12. 19699

    Please check the picture in this article. The teeth shown are lower teeth. Theodore BlinderHavertown, Pa. The story and caption misidentified the teeth that had been filed down 4,300 years ago. They were the bottom-front teeth, shown at left in the photo. —B. Bower
