
  1. Humans

    From the August 29, 1936, issue

    Fighting forest fires with science, a young Milky Way, and atom-smashing cosmic rays.

  2. Ecosystems

    Madagascar’s Fantastic Forests

    Produced by WBUR in Boston to accompany a special program on Madagascar, this award-winning Web site offers a remarkably detailed look at life on this island, with a focus on the struggle to preserve Earth’s diversity of life. It includes photo galleries, audio clips, videos, maps, and much more. Go to: http://www.wbur.org/special/madagascar/

  3. Katrina’s Two-Sided Impact: Survey finds disorders, resilience after tragedy

    In the year after surviving Hurricane Katrina, Gulf Coast residents experienced a surge in serious mental disorders combined with elements of personal growth and emotional resilience.

  4. Planetary Science

    Doggone! Pluto gets a planetary demotion

    The solar system has only eight planets, and Pluto isn't one of them, according to the first-ever definition of a planet, approved last week by the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union.

  5. 19726

    I was sorry to learn Pluto did not qualify as a planet (“New Solar System? Twelve planets and counting,” SN: 8/19/06, p. 115, and this article). Pluto has a diameter comparable with the Earth’s moon. The size of our moon relative to Earth might cause any observer to consider Earth and its moon as double […]

  6. Health & Medicine

    Head to Head: Brain implants are better for Parkinson’s patients

    Parkinson's patients who get electrodes surgically implanted in their brains regain some muscle control and have improved quality of life.

  7. Paleontology

    Frozen rainforest

    Fossils trapped in amber provide evidence that the Amazonian rainforest dates back 10 to 15 million years.

  8. Earth

    When a Shot Is Not: PCBs may impair vaccine-induced immunity

    Exposure to certain pollutants early in life may do lasting harm to the immune system by blocking its response to vaccinations.

  9. Moss Express: Insects and mites tote mosses’ sperm

    A lab test has shown that mosses have their own version animal-courier system for sperm that's similar to pollination.

  10. Tech

    Wheel of Life: Bacteria provide horsepower for tiny motor

    Crawling bacteria can power a micromotor.

  11. Engineering a Cure: Genetically modified cells fight cancer

    By inserting a gene into normal immune cells isolated from melanoma patients, scientists have turned the cells into cancer fighters.

  12. Animals

    Flea treatment shows downside of social life

    The flealike parasites that build up in a shared burrow take an unexpectedly large toll on the ground squirrel's reproductive success.
