
  1. Shop Until You Can’t Stop: Compulsive buying affects both men and women

    A national telephone survey indicates that nearly 6 percent of adults find themselves unable to resist frequent shopping binges that leave them saddled with debt, anxiety, and depression.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Improving the View: Treatment reverses macular degeneration

    People with the eye disease known as macular degeneration now have a better-than-average prospect of recovering some vision, thanks to a new drug that takes a lesson from an anticancer strategy.

  3. Humans

    U.S. population to surpass 300 million

    At approximately the middle of October, the population of the United States will hit and then quickly eclipse 300 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

  4. 19738

    This article concludes with the interesting fact that the only annual drop in U.S. population during the past century “occurred between July 1917 and July 1918, when the country was at war,” implying a military cause for the decline. Indeed, the honored dead of the First World War did total 116,708. However, you missed the […]

  5. Animals

    Krill kick up a storm of ocean mixing

    Scientists have measured living creatures' contribution to the stirring of ocean water, and they found that little kicking krill legs do a lot.

  6. Animals

    Silky feet

    Zebra tarantulas can secrete silk from their feet, a feat that may help them better adhere to surfaces.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Cigarettes and lead linked to attention disorder

    Nearly half a million cases of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder among U.S. children are related to exposures to lead or their mothers' smoking while pregnant.

  8. Astronomy

    Oversize supernova

    Researchers have found a supernova so luminous that it must have been produced by a much heavier star than the standard theory allows.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Bad Alzheimer’s proteins sow disorder in the brain

    Alzheimer's disease may start with a single abnormal protein that spoils other proteins nearby.

  10. Earth

    Reading the tale of an ancient river

    Ocean-floor sediment near England holds material deposited during the last ice age by what was then Europe's largest river system.

  11. Planetary Science

    A discordant name for a dwarf planet

    The largest known object at the fringes of the solar system, the icy body whose discovery heated up the debate about the nature of planethood, has an apt new name.

  12. Chemistry

    Cell-Surface Stories

    The latest generation of microelectrodes is reaching into biological realms to detect the ebbs and flows of chemicals at the surfaces of cells.
