
  1. Math

    Form Plus Function

    Numbers, lines, squares, and shadows add up to an intriguing set of artworks rooted in mathematical concepts.

  2. Animals

    Hey, that’s me!

    A test with a jumbo-size mirror suggests that Asian elephants may be among the few species that can recognize their own images.

  3. Revving up recall while fast asleep

    Scientists have discovered a way to give memory a modest lift while people slumber.

  4. Astronomy

    Nearest extrasolar planet

    Astronomers have confirmed the existence of the nearest known planet beyond the solar system.

  5. Paleontology

    Asian amber yields oldest known bee

    A tiny chunk of amber from Southeast Asia contains the remains of a bee that's at least 35 million years older than any reported fossil of similar bees.

  6. Astronomy

    Black hole survey

    Scanning the sky for high-energy X rays, a NASA satellite found more than 200 supermassive black holes within 400 million light-years of Earth.

  7. Earth

    Farm salmon spread deadly lice

    In the Pacific Northwest, sea lice that spread from cultivated salmon to their wild counterparts have become major parasites affecting the wild population.

  8. Chemistry

    Were Viking landers blind to life?

    The Viking landers may have missed potential signs of life when they explored Mars in 1976.

  9. Earth

    The African source of the Amazon’s fertilizer

    More than half of the airborne dust that provides vital nutrients to the Amazonian rainforest comes from a small corner of the Sahara.

  10. Anthropology

    Evolution’s Mystery Woman

    A heated debate has broken out among anthropologists over whether a highly publicized partial skeleton initially attributed to a new, tiny species of human cousins actually comes from a pygmy Homo sapiens with a developmental disorder.

  11. 19755

    In this article on rogue waves, you make no mention of the use of satellite data, which is ideal for this sort of study. Two projects, in particular, are of great relevance: the European Union’s MaxWave study and the subsequent WaveAtlas project. The former, with just 3 weeks’ data, identified 10 rogue waves above 25 […]

  12. Earth

    Dashing Rogues

    Rogue waves, which tower over the waves that surround them, are probably more common than scientists had previously suspected.
