
  1. Humans

    Letters from the December 16, 2006, issue of Science News

    Familiar pattern I am a retired high school mathematics teacher who has quilted mathematical ideas for over 20 years. Currently, I am working on a quilt called Pascal’s Pumpkin. I was totally excited by “Swirling Seas, Crystal Balls: Spirals of triangles crinkle into intricate structures” (SN: 10/21/06, p. 266) and began to think about quilting […]

  2. Math

    Travels of a Shopper

    Shoppers tend to be a lot less efficient than they could be when picking up groceries at the supermarket.

  3. Humans

    From the December 5, 1936, issue

    New forms of glass, a new element in space, and Einstein's automatic camera.

  4. Earth

    Sustainable Table

    Created by the GrassRoots Action Center for the Environment (GRACE), this Web site aims to help consumers understand problems with the nation’s food supply and offer viable solutions and alternatives. It provides an introduction to the burgeoning sustainable food movement and information about organizations, people, and programs that are trying to change the way people […]

  5. Earth

    Dim Harvest: Asian air pollution has limited rice yields

    Thick clouds of air pollution over southern Asia and increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere worldwide have reduced rice harvests in India for the past 2 decades.

  6. Animals

    Extreme Tongue: Bat excels at saying ‘Aah’

    The new champion among mammals at sticking out its tongue is a small bat from Ecuador.

  7. Humans

    Lunar Outpost: NASA unveils plans for a return to the moon

    NASA announced that it would begin in 2020 to assemble a human outpost on the moon.

  8. Ecosystems

    Going Native: Diverse grassland plants edge out crops as biofuel

    Biofuels made from mixtures of plants native to prairies can yield more net energy than do biofuels derived from corn and soybeans.

  9. Earth

    Woods to Waters: Wildfires amplify mercury contamination in fish

    Forest fires mobilize mercury from the soil and can send the toxic metal into nearby streams and lakes where it accumulates in fish.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Bitter Pill: Costs surge for new schizophrenia drugs

    Medications widely prescribed to treat schizophrenia cost hundreds of dollars more each month than does a less popular, older medication that has similar success at alleviating symptoms of the disorder.

  11. 19769

    This article shares a common deficit with many other reports addressing cost-effectiveness of the medications used to treat schizophrenia. It is clearly true that the newer medications are much more expensive than the older ones, but tardive dyskinesia (TD) rates have plummeted by about 99 percent with the advent of the modern antipsychotic medications. To […]

  12. Animals

    Ebola Die-Off: Gorilla losses tallied in central Africa

    Between 2001 and 2005, Ebola virus killed at least 5,500 lowland gorillas in the Republic of the Congo.
