
  1. Humans

    Weighing In on City Planning

    Accumulating evidence suggests that urban sprawl discourages physical activity and may thereby contribute to obesity and related health problems.

  2. Humans

    Letters from the January 20, 2007, issue of Science News

    Sea tales In “Dashing Rogues” (SN: 11/18/06, p. 328) on rogue waves, you make no mention of the use of satellite data, which is ideal for this sort of study. Two projects, in particular, are of great relevance: the European Union’s MaxWave study and the subsequent WaveAtlas project. The former, with just 3 weeks’ data, […]

  3. Math

    Art of the Tetrahedron, Revisited

    A New Orleans sculptor and his tetrahedron-based artworks survived Hurricane Katrina.

  4. Earth

    Natural Hazards

    The U.S. Geological Survey has launched a new Web site about the threat of natural disasters. It provides seven easy-to-understand fact sheets on earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis, volcanoes, and wildfires. The site also highlights resources and information available from the USGS and provides links to individual hazards Web pages for more detailed information. Go […]

  5. Humans

    From the January 9, 1937, issue

    A new AAAS president, preventing blood clots, and new elements in the sun.

  6. Chemistry

    Switch Hitters: Antibacterial compounds target new mechanism to kill microbes

    Recently discovered ribonucleic acid segments, called riboswitches, may become prime targets for new antibacterial drugs.

  7. Materials Science

    Electrode Enhancements: New materials may boost fuel cell performance

    Two teams have independently discovered ways to dramatically improve the materials used in the electrodes of fuel cells.

  8. Plants

    Biggest Bloom: Superflower changes branch on family tree

    The plants with the world's largest flowers, the rafflesias, need to be moved closer to poinsettias on the family tree of plant life.

  9. Health & Medicine

    No Fluke: New weapon against tropical parasite

    An experimental drug shows potential against schistosomiasis.

  10. Ecosystems

    Alien Alert: Shrimpy invader raises big concerns

    A shrimplike European invader just discovered in the Great Lakes could prove ecologically disruptive to populations of native lake animals.

  11. Astronomy

    Fleet Finding: Speed of Milky Way’s companions poses puzzle

    New measurements of the speed of two familiar companion galaxies to the Milky Way suggest some unfamiliar possibilities.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Folic Acid Dilemma: One vitamin may impair cognition if another is lacking

    The nutrient folic acid is generally good for brain health, but research now suggests that too much of it might harm people who get too little vitamin B12.
