
  1. Trichomoniasis-causing organism is sequenced

    Scientists have taken a first read of the genetic sequence of the organism responsible for a sexually transmitted infection called trichomoniasis.

  2. Earth

    Aquatic Non-Scents

    Many common pollutants appear to be jeopardizing the survival of fish and other aquatic species by blunting their sense of smell.

  3. Perchance to Hibernate

    As scientists work to unravel the secrets of mammalian hibernation, they're eyeing medical applications that could aid wounded soldiers, stroke victims, and transplant recipients, among others.

  4. Humans

    Letters from the January 27, 2007, issue of Science News

    Circumcision circumspection Concerning “More Evidence of Protection: Circumcision reduces STD risk in men” (SN: 11/18/06, p. 325), I have yet to read a single study regarding the alleged benefits of circumcision that acknowledges that the foreskin is erogenous tissue. Removal of erogenous tissue from a female would be considered barbaric, even if it did offer […]

  5. Math

    A Polyhedron with a Hole

    A polyhedron with seven faces, 14 vertexes, 21 edges, and a hole makes an intriguing lamp.

  6. Humans

    From the January 16, 1937, issue

    Winter snow removal, probing the ionosphere, and protecting the body from poisons.

  7. Physics

    Global Number Cruncher

    With a colorful, animated slide show, this Web site introduces visitors to the way vast streams of physics data will flow, starting later this year, from the world’s most powerful particle accelerator to 7,000 physicists around the world. Potentially packed with revelations about matter, energy, and the universe, some 15 million-billion bytes of information per […]

  8. Starved for Assistance: Coercion finds a place in the treatment of two eating disorders

    Attempts by family, friends, and others to coerce people with serious eating disorders into getting mental-health care provide a valuable jump-start to treatment.

  9. 19783

    Although “almost half” of the individuals came to agree that coerced eating-disorders treatment was justified, I find it irresponsible that the study seemingly ignored the identification of potentially long-lasting negative effects on more than half of coerced clients. Those people may come away with less hope that such treatment can ever be of help to […]

  10. Paleontology

    Going Under Down Under: Early people at fault in Australian extinctions

    A lengthy, newly compiled fossil record of Australian mammals bolsters the notion that humanity's arrival on the island continent led to the extinction of many large creatures there.

  11. Ecosystems

    Saving Whales the Easy Way? Less lobstering could mean fewer deaths

    A provocative proposal suggests that the U.S. lobster fleet in the Gulf of Maine could reduce the number of traps, maintain its profits, and improve life for endangered right whales.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Coming to a Bad End: Lost chromosome tips linked to heart problems

    Men with short telomeres, the ends of chromosomes, are twice as likely to develop heart disease as are men with longer telomeres.
