
  1. Health & Medicine

    Salve for the Lungs: Aspirin might prevent asthma

    Regular use of aspirin may prevent healthy adults from developing asthma.

  2. Mind over Muscle: Placebo boosts health benefits of exercise

    The physical rewards of exercise derive not just from muscular exertion but also from a person's mind-set about exercise.

  3. Tech

    Making a 3-D Microscope: Technique brings entire sample into focus

    A new imaging technique creates microscopic three-dimensional views of tissues within a patient's body and can update those images several times a second.

  4. Addiction Subtraction: Brain damage curbs cigarette urge

    Scientists have identified an area of the brain where damage seems to quickly halt a person's desire to smoke.

  5. Planetary Science

    Stellar death may spawn solar system

    Material shed by a dying star might give birth to planets.

  6. Astronomy

    Astronomers discover smallest galaxy ever

    Astronomers have found the smallest galaxy yet recorded, about one-sixteenth the diameter of the Milky Way.

  7. Physics

    Solving a 400-year-old supernova riddle

    Astronomers have determined that Kepler's supernova, the last stellar explosion witnessed in our galaxy, belongs to the class known as type 1a.

  8. Tech

    Tracking nanotubes in mice

    Carbon nanotubes can target tumors in mice.

  9. 19785

    Not only is the finding that nanotubes “remained in particular in the liver and spleen” of concern, but there is no indication made or concern expressed over what happens after excretion. What biological activity do these structures have in the open environment, and for how long? Can they become airborne? Do they get removed in […]

  10. 19784

    So we shouldn’t cook food in easily cleanable pots because we might release a little bit of maybe-not-even-toxic chemicals into the food? Because a common chemical found worldwide is merely suspected of being linked to worldwide rates of exposure? Why are our U.S. companies being forced to abandon a proven, helpful chemical? Robert CookKennesaw, Ga.

  11. Earth

    Heating releases cookware chemicals

    Nonstick coatings on fry pans and microwave-popcorn bags can, when heated, release traces of potentially toxic perfluorinated chemicals.

  12. Aging vets take stress disorder to heart

    Veterans grappling for decades with post-traumatic stress disorder have a greater risk of developing and dying from heart disease than do their peers who don't suffer from the stress ailment.
