
  1. Planetary Science

    Stormy Weather in Space: Craft take panoramic view of solar eruptions

    Twin spacecraft have for the first time tracked solar storms, known as coronal mass ejections, from their birth in the lower depths of the sun's atmosphere all the way to Earth's orbit.

  2. Animals

    Snail Highways: By following trails, periwinkles save slime

    A snail that follows another snail's slimy path saves energy by not having to secrete so much mucus.

  3. Materials Science

    The New Black: A nanoscale coating reflects almost no light

    A "carpet" of microscopic filaments sprayed onto a surface can prevent it from reflecting light, a potentially useful trait for technologies from solar cells to fiber-optic communications.

  4. 19800

    E. Fred Schubert and his colleagues are to be congratulated for developing an improved antireflective coating. But the coating would not make a lens “absorb” more light. Rather, it would help the lens “propagate” the light. Nathaniel L. CohenSan Diego, Calif. “Absorb” probably was a poor word choice in reference to a lens. The point […]

  5. Anthropology

    Tools for Prey: Female chimps move to fore in hunting

    For the first time, researchers have observed wild chimpanzees making and using tools to hunt other animals, a practice adopted mainly by adult females and youngsters.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Nice Shot: Hepatitis E vaccine passes critical test

    An experimental vaccine for hepatitis E has proved nearly 96 percent protective in a test in Nepalese soldiers.

  7. Humans

    Letters from the March 3, 2007, issue of Science News

    Up, down, around I haven’t seen any reference to the similarity between the “morphing” wing (“Ahead of the Curve: Novel morphing wing may reduce aircraft’s fuel use,” SN: 12/23&30/06, p. 406) and the “warping” wing that the Wright brothers used on their gliders and powered aircraft. It seems we’ve come full circle in our quest […]

  8. Health & Medicine

    Cocoa compound increases brain blood flow

    Cocoa that retains compounds usually removed to soften the product's flavor can significantly improve blood flow to the brain.

  9. Earth

    Subglacial lakes may influence ice flow

    The flow of water into and out of massive, ice-covered lakes in Antarctica may influence the speed at which the overlying glaciers move toward the sea.

  10. Health & Medicine

    A cornea that’s got some nerve

    Researchers have developed a technique to grow corneal tissue that includes nerve cells, an advance that may enable them to test consumer products in lab dishes rather than live animals.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Fungus produces cancer drug

    Several varieties of fungi that attack hazelnuts produce high quantities of the popular cancer drug paclitaxel.

  12. Physics

    Breaking a molecule’s mirror image

    The theory of entanglement explains a newly observed behavior in a symmetrical hydrogen molecule: When the molecule fractures, the directions in which its constituent particles move are not always random.
