
  1. 19808

    When considering a spin rate of 1,122 revolutions per second, has anyone determined the diameter of the neutron star XTE J1739-285? If, for example, it were the same diameter as Earth, it would be traveling far in excess of the speed of light at its equator. In order to remain within the limitations of the […]

  2. 19807

    It is ironic that this article describes a captcha [completely automated Turing test to tell computers and humans apart] and then goes on to demonstrate how to defeat it. An automated program that is supposed to pass this difficult computation test just has to forward the captcha image to a real person, at a different […]

  3. Computing

    Games Theory

    Online games can not only entertain but also provide valuable data for researchers tackling computer-vision and other tough computational problems.

  4. 19806

    I find it absolutely incredible that anyone is seriously contemplating an escalation of “natural” herbicides as mentioned in this article. As there is no “additive” sprayed on the crop, no testing is likely in animal or human clinical trials. We in the first world must bear the brunt of this wholesale testing on populations, as […]

  5. Agriculture

    Herbal Herbicides

    Scientists are tapping plants, and the self-defense chemicals they make, for new weed killers, many of which may find use in organic farming.

  6. Humans

    Letters from the March 17, 2007, issue of Science News

    Disputable thesis “Counterintuitive Toxicity: Increasingly, scientists are finding that they can’t predict a poison’s low-dose effects” (SN: 1/20/07, p. 40) took a wrong turn into Hormesis Swamp. The hormesis thesis has been thoroughly discredited by all major radiation organizations and professional societies, and its past conferences have been sponsored by tobacco companies and the U.S. […]

  7. Humans

    From the March 6, 1937, issue

    Machines creating new jobs, stopping smoke with sound, and conflicts over atomic structure.

  8. Earth

    National Environmental Education Week

    The third annual National Environmental Education Week will take place April 15-22, 2007, culminating with Earth Day on April 22. This site provides information about activities planned for that week. Go to: http://www.eeweek.org/

  9. Tech

    Unlocking the Gaits: Robot tests locomotion switch

    A blocky, bright-yellow robot that would look at home in a toy chest moves like a salamander, just as its inventors intended.

  10. Math

    Functional Family: Mock theta mystery solved

    Mathematicians have solved a legendary Indian mathematician's final problem.

  11. Earth

    High and Dry: Pollution may stifle mountain precipitation

    Trends seen in meteorological data gathered on a Chinese mountaintop suggest that air pollution reduces the amount of precipitation that falls in high-altitude regions.

  12. Math

    Cutting a Pie Is No Piece of Cake

    Mathematicians find that slicing a pie into fair pieces is harder than divvying up a sheet cake. The problem is that pie cuts are radial, not parallel.
