
  1. Novel DNA changes linked to autism

    Genetic alterations that occur in children without being inherited from the parents contribute to certain cases of autism and related developmental disorders.

  2. Mental fallout among recent-war veterans

    Almost one in three veterans of military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq receiving medical care at Veterans Affairs facilities displays mental disorders or less-severe problems that still require mental-health treatment.

  3. Planetary Science

    Radar reveals signs of seas on Titan

    The northernmost reaches of Saturn's moon Titan appear to be covered with hydrocarbon lakes or seas that are at least 10 times as large as those predicted by earlier studies.

  4. 19809

    Has anyone ever considered the possibility that interbreeding between Neandertals and humans would have produced sterile individuals? They would have had the traits of both parents, but with no further reproduction, Neandertal DNA wouldn’t be found in humans today. Ernie CasbeerOglesby, Texas Researchers who argue for human-Neandertal hybrids say that fossil evidence argues against sterile, […]

  5. Anthropology

    Mysterious Migrations

    Controversial new studies report that modern humans from Africa launched cultural advances in Europe at least 36,000 years ago and reached what's now western Russia more than 40,000 years ago.

  6. Astronomy

    Ticket to Ride?

    Astronomers are investigating how they might jump on NASA's lunar bandwagon, using the moon or its environs to study distant stars and galaxies.

  7. Humans

    Letters from the March 24, 2007, issue of Science News

    Story panned So we shouldn’t cook food in easily cleanable pots because we might release a little bit of maybe-not-even-toxic chemicals into the food (“Heating releases cookware chemicals,” SN: 1/27/07, p. 61)? Because a common chemical found worldwide is merely suspected of being linked to worldwide rates of exposure? Why are our U.S. companies being […]

  8. Math

    Computing Photographic Forgeries

    Scientists are using mathematical tools to sniff out faked photographs.

  9. Math

    Computing Photographic Forgeries

    Scientists are using mathematical tools to sniff out faked photographs.

  10. Humans

    From the March 13, 1937, issue

    Man helping snake, paraffin lenses for neutrons, and glass with a past.

  11. Earth

    More Than Monarchs

    More Than Monarchs.org exists to raise awareness about the devastating impact of illegal logging on the environment and local communities in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in central Mexico. The Web site provides a platform for villagers, community leaders, government officials, and other people to communicate and collaborate toward ending the destruction of forests that […]

  12. Humans

    The Next Generation: Intel Science Talent Search honors high school achievers

    A 17-year-old from Oklahoma City who built a homemade Raman spectra system took first place at this year's Intel Science Talent Search.
