
  1. Health & Medicine

    Drug-Resistant Flu Detected: Japanese strains appear transmissible

    For the first time, researchers report drug resistance in type B influenza virus and say the drug-resistant strain may jump from person to person.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Not-So-Artful Dodgers: Countering drug tests with niacin proves dangerous

    Attempts to cleanse illicit drugs from one's body by taking large doses of niacin can cause life-threatening reactions.

  3. 19817

    The fact that more people are overdosing on niacin to cover up relatively benign marijuana use exemplifies what’s wrong with the failed “War on Drugs” approach. Chris MajDenver, Colo.

  4. Physics

    Formula for Panic: Crowd-motion findings may prevent stampedes

    The physics of pedestrian flows could help prevent stampedes such as the one that killed hundreds during a pilgrimage to Mecca in 2006.

  5. 19816

    I have to ask you to remove the subtitle “Dangerous Bridge” under the photograph of the exit ramp from the New Jamarat Bridge in Saudi Arabia. There has never been an accident on that ramp, and the bridge is now being overhauled to make it safer. Dirk HelbingDresden University of TechnologyDresden, Germany

  6. Mushroom Boom: Hobby records show climate-change boost

    Mushrooms in England are starting to pop up earlier and staying around later than they used to, according to 55 years of amateur naturalists' records.

  7. Chemistry

    That’s a Wrap: Polymer coatings fortify pancreas cells

    A technique that encapsulates cells in polymer might one day benefit people who receive pancreas-cell transplants for diabetes.

  8. Anthropology

    Asian Trek: Fossil puts ancient humans in Far East

    A 40,000-year-old partial human skeleton from a Chinese cave intensifies a debate over whether Stone Age people dispersing from Africa interbred with humanlike species that they encountered.

  9. 19815

    This article “underscores the vast distances” humans moved from Africa to northern China in 20,000 years. However, if one stops to consider the time frames, it’s extremely unremarkable. At three generations every 100 years and roughly 6,000 miles from Africa to China, people would need to move only an average of 10 miles per generation. […]

  10. Health & Medicine

    Meningitis vaccine stops ear infections

    A vaccine for meningitis and pneumonia also prevents many childhood ear infections and the complications that they cause.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Patches take sting out of canker sores

    Small patches that exude licorice extract can speed healing of canker sores.

  12. 19814

    This study on canker sores compared an “untreated” group with a group using licorice patches. A more valid comparison would be for the control group to be treated with patches that contained no licorice. Janet McClureCardiff, Calif.
