
  1. Humans

    Lethal injection is inhumane, say researchers

    Prisoners killed by lethal injection may be conscious and experience pain and burning sensations while they asphyxiate.

  2. Animals

    Sex—perhaps a good idea after all

    A family of mites may be the first animal lineage shown to have abandoned sexual reproduction and then reevolved it millions of years later.

  3. Health & Medicine

    A smart pill for seniors?

    A dietary supplement combo boosts older adults' performance on simple mental tests.

  4. Health & Medicine

    This trick boosts cancer’s spread

    A compound that helps keep cells organized and stitched into tissues may play a role in the survival of cancer cells that have seeded distant tissues in the body.

  5. Cancer patients aided by yoga

    In breast cancer patients, practicing yoga appears to reduce both depression and biochemical markers of inflammation.

  6. Alzheimer’s marker yields blood test

    Studies in mice suggest that it could be possible to screen blood for early, asymptomatic Alzheimer's disease.

  7. Animals

    Egg Shell Game

    Birds apparently cheat chance when it comes to laying eggs that contain sons or daughters.

  8. Physics

    The Hunt for Antihelium

    Scientists have been searching about 30 years for a single nucleus of helium made from antimatter, and although the discovery would imply that whole antimatter galaxies exist, the researchers' time could be running out.

  9. Humans

    Letters from the May 12, 2007, issue of Science News

    Saw right through it E. Fred Schubert and his colleagues are to be congratulated for developing an improved antireflective coating (“The New Black: A nanoscale coating reflects almost no light,” SN: 3/3/07, p. 132). But the coating would not make a lens “absorb” more light. Rather, it would help the lens “propagate” the light. Nathaniel […]

  10. Math

    The Mathematical Lives of Plants

    Scientists are figuring out why plants grow in spiral patterns that incorporate the 'golden angle'.

  11. Earth

    Not-So-Clear Alternative: In its air-quality effects, ethanol fuel is similar to gasoline

    Switching the nation's vehicles from gasoline to ethanol may not reduce air pollution.

  12. 19829

    Ethanol is not an alternative to petroleum-based fuel to reduce air pollution. It is a grow-it-at-home alternative to foreign-source petroleum-based fuel. It takes only 2 years to build an ethanol-extraction plant but 10 years to build a petroleum-extraction plant. Right now, as long as ethanol doesn’t increase air pollution, I’ll take it. Lin DanielChatsworth, Calif. […]
