
  1. Humans

    Letters from the May 19, 2007, issue of Science News

    Merry go round When considering a spin rate of 1,122 revolutions per second, has anyone determined the diameter of the neutron star XTE J1739-285 (“Dance of the dead,” SN: 3/17/07, p. 173)? If, for example, it were the same diameter as Earth, it would be traveling far in excess of the speed of light at […]

  2. Math

    A Grove of Evolutionary Trees

    "Trees of life" show patterns of evolutionary descent, and they fit together mathematically to form an abstract forest.

  3. Humans

    From the May 8, 1937, issue

    Finishing a telescope, finding new matter, and launching rockets.

  4. X-treme Microbes

    This graphics-heavy online feature tells the stories of microbes that survive and even thrive in inhospitable environments, including bone-dry deserts, boiling acid, and radioactive rock. The National Science Foundation launched the site last month. Go to: http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/microbes

  5. Humans

    Extreme Encyclopedia: Every living thing will get its own page

    A consortium of museums and laboratories has unveiled plans to create a free, Web-based Encyclopedia of Life with an entry for every living species.

  6. Physics

    Invisible Trail: Analyzing the vortices in the wake of a bat

    Flying bat generate lift and thrust with their wings much differently than birds do.

  7. Cells’ Root: Adult stem cells have a master gene

    Scientists have found a master gene that allows tissue-regenerating stem cells to retain their regenerative capacity.

  8. Astronomy

    Stellar Spectacular: Brightest supernova

    Astronomers have discovered the brightest stellar explosion ever observed, and it could be the first example of a rare type of supernova involving a freakishly massive star.

  9. Physics

    Degrees of Quantumness: Shades of gray in particle-wave duality

    Light can be made to act as if it's composed of particles, waves, or something in between.

  10. 19830

    Perhaps there need not be “degrees of quantumness”. As the beams pass increasingly closer to the surface, the plate will induce a small (but increasingly larger) spread of energies (hence wavelengths) in the electrons within the beam, possibly explaining the “smearing out” of the fringes in the interference pattern. Michael D. MeloySanta Barbara, Calif. Peter […]

  11. No Place Like Om: Meditation training puts oomph into attention

    Intensive meditation training boosts a person's control over attention and expands a person's ability to notice rapidly presented items.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Risk Factor: Throat cancer linked to virus spread by sex

    Cancer of the throat and tonsils can arise from infection with a sexually transmitted virus.
