
  1. Health & Medicine

    Good Light: Sun early in life could protect against MS

    Childhood exposure to direct sunshine may protect people against developing multiple sclerosis later.

  2. Weighting for Friends: Obesity spreads in social networks

    Obesity spreads as a social contagion through networks of friends and relatives, apparently because associating with overweight people encourages a laxer attitude toward weight gain.

  3. 19862

    People don’t need another reason to shun fat people. This group represents the last scapegoat for righteous discrimination in our image-obsessed society. There are myriad reasons a person becomes obese. Friendship is not one of them. Shawn DehneLittleton, Colo. As such studies progress, it will be interesting to learn if the opposite—weight loss—is also influenced […]

  4. Math

    A Twist on the Möbius Band

    The twisted, single-sided loop known as a Möbius band, when made from a stiff material such as paper, takes on a complicated shape that researchers have finally calculated.

  5. Humans

    Universities seek armchair astronomers

    Scientists are recruiting online help from the public to classify the shapes of 1 million galaxies in never-before-viewed photographs.

  6. Humans

    Letters from the July 28, 2007, issue of Science News

    Gyro Q & A Doesn’t “Spinning into Control” (SN: 05/19/07, p. 312) on flywheels leave out a significant aspect: the gyroscope effects of a rotating large mass? Wouldn’t it be a benefit for moving installations (stabilization) and a problem for immobile installations? Lee HukillPalo Alto, Calif. In the article, the flywheels depicted appear to have […]

  7. Health & Medicine

    Perception is longevity

    Mice lived longer when they were fooled into sensing lower insulin levels than they actually had.

  8. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s retinue: 60 and counting

    A little moon, two kilometers across, is Saturn's 60th satellite.

  9. Earth

    Erosion accelerates along Alaskan coast

    Alaska's northern coast is falling into the sea at an accelerating rate.

  10. Old viruses have new tricks

    Invading viruses can trick a cell into turning off its defense mechanisms.

  11. Antidepressants trim suicide tries

    Treating depression with antidepressant drugs reduces the risk of suicide.

  12. 19861

    I was surprised to find no mention in this article of the possibility that the decline in suicide attempts might be owed merely to the hope generated by beginning a treatment, rather than the treatment itself. I have known depression sufferers to be nearly euphoric after starting a new treatment. Karen AikenSan Francisco, Calif.
