
  1. Earth

    Lack of oxygen stunts fish reproduction

    Seasonal oxygen shortages in coastal waters, increasing in severity because of pollution, may impair fish reproduction.

  2. Virus thrives by hiding

    Some viruses create cocoonlike refuges in the cells they invade, shielding them from the cell's defense mechanisms.

  3. Anthropology

    Men’s fertile role in evolving long lives

    The ability of men 55 and older to father children may have had evolutionary effects that caused both sexes to develop longer lifespans.

  4. Health & Medicine

    HIV is double trouble for brain

    The virus that causes AIDS can also cause dementia, by both killing mature brain cells and blocking the creation of new ones.

  5. Planetary Science

    A different view of Uranus’ rings

    The rings of Uranus are now tilted edge on to Earth, revealing small, inner rings made of fine dust.

  6. Genome 2.0

    Detailed explorations of the human genome are showing that individual genes may have complex structures, and that much of what had been called junk DNA is not junk at all.

  7. 19879

    Although multinational agreements on global warming try to spread the burden among all nations, data from the MILAGRO project in Mexico City suggest that the major responsibility for excess production of greenhouse gases and other pollutants lies with the megacities, which constitute a rather small number of culprits and ones that not all nations possess. […]

  8. Earth

    What Goes Up

    A massive scientific field study in Mexico City, along with lab experiments and computer simulations, show that pollution from the world's megacities has a global impact.

  9. Bipolar Express: Mental ailment expands rapidly among youth

    Diagnosis of bipolar disorder in kids and teenagers has dramatically increased since 1994, raising concerns that this severe mood disorder is being overdiagnosed.

  10. 19878

    Two recent articles hit on the same theme. This one discussed the recent sharp increase in the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. The summary of the new book Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness (SN: 11/17/07, p. 319) hit much closer to the mark. If you want to know why these diagnoses have increased so […]

  11. Earth

    Sonic Sands: Uncovering the secret of the booming dunes

    The age-old mystery of sand dunes that produce loud, thrumming noises is explained by a new theory that involves a resonant layer of dry sand.

  12. Role Change: Mast cells show an anti-inflammatory side

    Cells that cause inflammation in allergic skin reactions to poison ivy also produce a protein that subdues the reaction a few days later.
