
  1. Perchlorate Pump: Molecule draws contaminant into breast milk

    A molecular pump meant to transport iodine also concentrates perchlorate, an environmental pollutant, in breast milk.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Angiogenesis Factors: Tracking down the suspects in blood vessel growth near tumors

    Tumors enlist certain bone marrow cells in efforts to grow new blood vessels for self-nourishment.

  3. Physics

    15 = 3 × 5: Photons do their first quantum math

    Physicists have performed the first calculation involving manipulation of the quantum states of photons, another step on the road to optical quantum computers.

  4. 19907

    I was disappointed to see optical quantum computers described as “exponentially faster than ordinary computers” in your article. Despite frequent misuse in the lay press, “exponentially” does not mean “a whole bunch.” It refers to a specific mathematical functional relationship, not merely a comparison of two numbers. The article doesn’t describe any such function. Even […]

  5. Earth

    The Salt Flat That Isn’t Flat: World’s largest playa sports ridges, valleys

    An innovative field survey of the world's largest salt flat, a New Jersey–size playa high in the Andes, reveals that the barren expanse actually has minuscule, centimeter-scale variations in topography.

  6. Chimp Champ: Ape aces memory test, outscores people

    A young chimp outperforms college students on a test of recalling numbers glimpsed for less than a quarter of a second. With video.

  7. 19906

    When Ai, mother of the chimp Amuyu, whose mental feats you reported in this article, appeared in a television documentary a few years ago, I reproduced for myself the number-sequence test she performed and found that, after practice, I could easily outperform her. After reading about Ayumu, I tried the number-recall tests that he and […]

  8. Health & Medicine

    Sickle Save: Skin cells fix anemia in mice

    Using a new technique to turn skin cells into stem cells, scientists have corrected sickle cell anemia in mice.

  9. Plants

    Botanists refine family tree for flowering plants

    Two research teams have used the biggest array of flowering-plant genes yet to try to reconstruct the elusive evolutionary history of today's flowers.

  10. Physics

    Sharper than expected

    A new technique beats the resolution limits of ordinary microscopes in a way that seems to defy conventional optical theory.

  11. Tech

    Tractor beam

    Magnetic nanoparticles selectively bind to specific bacteria and can drag them out of a liquid.

  12. Humans

    Strategies to improve teaching

    Incorporating emerging data on how kids learn and cement ideas could help schools teach science more effectively, a new report argues.
