
  1. Escaping flatland

    Growing cells in gelatinous materials gains in popularity as more researchers realize how the three-dimensional arrangement of cells influences cell behavior—and increases the relevance of experiments.

  2. Cell’s core pore structure solved

    Scientists working in yeast have deciphered the structure of the complex cluster of proteins that regulates access to the nucleus of cells.

  3. Animals

    Female antelopes take the lead in courtship

    Topi antelopes, with their hesitant males, reverse the usual sex roles in mammal courtship.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Big kids at risk for heart disease

    Overweight children grow up to have an elevated risk for blocked coronary arteries as adults, a long-term Danish study finds.

  5. Health & Medicine

    The Long Road to Beta Cells

    In their quest to cure type 1 diabetes, scientists are finding that turning stem cells into insulin-producing beta cells is a lot harder than it first appeared.

  6. 19908

    This article talks of restoring prairies to an earlier state, but if the concepts summarized in Charles C. Mann’s book 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus are even within shouting distance of reality, the “native prairie” being pursued by some represents a fleeting moment in time created by the destruction of a civilization […]

  7. Ecosystems

    Prairie Revival

    Prairie restoration is attracting interest, but because so little long-term monitoring and comparative studies have been done, researchers are still wondering whether it's really possible to re-create a prairie.

  8. Math

    Flying without Fractals

    A new study raises doubts about fractal patterns in animal behavior.

  9. Humans

    Letters from the December 15, 2007, issue of Science News

    Fuzzy logic Astronomer Masanori Iye of the National Observatory of Japan blames the blurry appearance of meteor trails at about 100 kilometers altitude on the fact that they were photographed with telescopes focused at infinity (“Out-of-focus find,” SN: 9/29/07, p. 205). But optics teaches that any object much farther away than the focal length of […]

  10. Humans

    From the December 4, 1937, issue

    The perfect beauty of frost rime, the sun's surprising influence on earth, and digging up evidence of ancient domestic cats.

  11. Earth

    Water Vapor by Any Other Name

    One can learn a lot by studying clouds—or just relax and soak in their beauty. Subscribers to both schools can find plenty of fodder in the British Cloud Appreciation Society’s gallery of nearly 3,200 photos. They’re organized by meteorological type, optical effects, and even by what a cloud might resemble—like “Casper the Ghost, spotted over […]

  12. Planetary Science

    A sunlike star’s early development

    A new infrared portrait of an embryonic sunlike star reveals an early, crucial step in the process of planet formation.
