Small Wonders: Tiny islanders elevate ‘hobbit’ debate
The discovery in two South Pacific caves of bones from an extinct group of half-size humans has fueled the already heated scientific debate over the evolutionary identity of so-called hobbit remains from Indonesia.
By Bruce Bower -
Gator Aids: Gators squish lungs around to dive and roll
Alligator researchers say they have discovered a new role for lungs as maneuvering aids under water.
By Susan Milius -
Common Age: Worms, yeast, and people share genes for aging
Roundworms, yeast, and humans share more than a dozen genes linked to aging.
Weather maker
The North Atlantic's Gulf Stream affects the overlying atmosphere more strongly than previously suspected.
By Sid Perkins -
Health & Medicine
Roll Up Your Sleeve: Hypertension vaccine passes early test
An angiotensin vaccine stifles high blood pressure in an early test in people.
By Nathan Seppa -
State of the Universe: Microwave glow powers cosmic insights
Radiation left over from the Big Bang offers researchers unprecedented cosmic understanding.
By Ron Cowen -
This article brings up a question. This glow should be stronger in one direction, which can point us to the center of the universe. Is this possible? Donald BurrNovato, Calif. Studies of the microwave glow reveal that Earth is moving surprisingly quickly relative to the cosmic background radiation. But this motion is not evidence that […]
By Science News -
Letters from the March 15, 2008, issue of Science News
Alpha bird(s) There is a detail not explicit in the article “Birds network too” (SN: 2/23/08, p. 125) that fits the computer network analogy. By its flight path, each bird adds its personal input and helps guide the course of the flock. Don BurnapRapid City, S.D. Andrea Cavagna, a physicist at Italy’s National Research Council, […]
By Science News -
City life changes style of weed seeds
City living pushes for rapid evolution in the seed strategy of a little yellow flower along French sidewalks.
By Susan Milius -
Health & Medicine
New technique brings Parkinson’s treatment closer
An efficient technique to make dopamine-producing nerve cells from human embryonic stem cells could mark a step toward devising therapies for Parkinson's disease.
Health & Medicine
Exercises counteract lazy eye
Amblyopia, or lazy eye, can be reversed in adults with visual task exercises.
By Nathan Seppa -
Pick a photo, any photo
An fMRI scan of the brain can tell what photograph a subject is looking at.