
  1. Humans

    Little big people

    New fossil discoveries elevate ancient Pacific islanders, with disputed implications for controversial hobbit remains in Indonesia.

  2. Space

    GLAST good to go

    Gamma-ray telescope sees first light and gets a new name.

  3. Health & Medicine

    It’s all just roughage

    People at risk of the colon disorder known as diverticulitis don’t need to avoid nuts, corn and popcorn, as previously recommended.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Amniotic sac not so sacrosanct

    Infections found in amniotic fluid may be more common than thought and may cause premature birth.

  5. Life

    Live long and alter

    Yeast cells fed a calorie-restricted diet live longer and have just as much energy as those fed a normal diet.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Looking beyond insulin

    Leptin gene therapy reverses many of the consequences of type 1 diabetes in mice and rats.

  7. Life

    Compass creatures

    Herds of grazing and resting deer and cattle tend to align themselves with the Earth’s magnetic field, a hint that the large mammals can somehow sense the invisible field.

  8. Chemistry

    Popular plastics chemical poses further threat

    The chemical bisphenol A may raise the risk of heart attacks and type 2 diabetes by suppressing a protective hormone.

  9. Life

    Finding health in fragility

    A unifying principle for protein networks' weaknesses could aid development of new drugs.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Stem cells, show your face

    As researchers develop ways of reprogramming adult cells, such as skin cells, to have the same flexibility as embryonic stem cells, this new test shows that the reprogrammed stem cells are truly capable of becoming any cell in the body.

  11. Life

    Bisexual cockroach dads

    Male hissing roaches with flexible tastes sire more young.

  12. Math

    Seeing in four dimensions

    Mathematicians create videos that help in visualizing four-dimensional objects.
