
  1. Book Review: A History of Paleontology Illustration by Jane P. Davidson

    Review by Sid Perkins.

  2. The Primate Family Tree: The Amazing Diversity of Our Closest Relatives by Ian Redmond

    Firefly Books, 2008, 176 p., $35.

  3. Solving Stonehenge: The New Key to an Ancient Enigma by Anthony Johnson

    Thames & Hudson, 2008, 288 p., $40.

  4. Miscarriage, Medicine & Miracles by Bruce K. Young and Amy Zavatto

    Bantam Dell Publishing, 2008, 334 p., $25.

  5. Falcon Fever: A Falconer in the Twenty-first Century by Tim Gallagher

    Houghton Mifflin, 2008, 326 p., $25.

  6. Earth

    Let’s Get Vertical

    City buildings offer opportunities for farms to grow up instead of out.

  7. Astronomy

    Dead — but not duds

    White dwarfs shed light on physics and the fate of the cosmos.

  8. Earth

    Tough meteorite made a big impact

    The stony meteorite that landed in a remote portion of Peru in September 2007 was traveling abnormally fast when it struck and blasted a crater that was unusually large for the its size, new analyses indicate.

  9. Life

    X chromosome is extra diverse

    Men who father children with multiple women are responsible for “extra” diversity on the X chromosome, a new study of six different populations suggests.

  10. Life

    Safer creation of stem cells

    A new technique for converting adult cells to stem cells avoids dangerous mutations in cell DNA

  11. Humans

    Teaching babies to err

    A puzzling error that infants make in a hiding game arises from their inherent tendency to interpret others’ behavior, a research team contends.

  12. Earth

    New contender for Earth’s oldest rocks

    Observing rare isotopes in rocks along the Hudson Bay in Northern Quebec suggest the rocks have remained intact for 4.28 billion years, making them Earth's oldest.
