
  1. Space

    Smallest known transiting planet discovered

    Astronomers have found the smallest known extrasolar planets that is blocking light from its parent star. The discovery could help reveal information about the structure of planets that may resemble Earth.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Needles can stick it to pain

    Acupuncture lessens pain, but so do needles randomly stuck in the skin, a new analysis shows.

  3. Life

    Nemo could get lost again as seawater approaches acidity

    Reef fish raised at a seawater pH expected for the year 2100 don't smell their way around normally.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Chocolate may have arrived early to U.S. Southwest

    A new study suggests that people in America’s Southwest were making cacao beverages as early as A.D. 1000.

  5. Humans

    When dreams come true

    People see hidden truths in their dreams and use dreams to guide waking attitudes and behaviors, especially when dream content supports pre-existing beliefs, researchers say.

  6. Life

    Darwin Web Special PDFs

  7. Receding glaciers erase records of climate history

    For three decades, Lonnie Thompson of Ohio State University has been monitoring the health of glaciers atop mountains from Peru to China . Skeptics initially doubted that he could retrieve meaningful data from these remote elevations. But he has, while also discovering that these millennia-old data-storage lockers are rapidly disappearing. Senior Editor Janet Raloff recently […]

  8. Science & Society

    Book Review: Dry Storeroom No. 1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum by Richard Fortey

    Review by Sid Perkins.

  9. Tech

    Book Review: The Inner History of Devices by Sherry Turkle, ed.

    Review by Elizabeth Quill.

  10. The Stuff of Life: A Graphic Guide to Genetics and DNA by Mark Schultz

    A scientist from an asexual alien race provides a primer on genetics in this graphic novel for teenagers. Hill and Wang, 2009, 150 p., $14.95 The Stuff of Life: A Graphic Guide to Genetics and DNA by Mark Schultz

  11. Evolution: A Little History of a Great Idea by Gerard Cheshire

    A compact guide with one-page chapters covering natural selection, epigenetics, the anthropic principle and everything in between. Walker & Company, 2008, 58 p., $12 Evolution: A Little History of a Great Idea by Gerard Cheshire

  12. The Dominant Animal – Human Evolution and the Environment Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich

    How human culture has shaped the environment, and how the environment has, in turn, shaped evolution. The Dominant Animal – Human Evolution and the Environment by Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich Island Press, 2008, 428 p., $35
