
  1. Science & Society

    A modest proposal for federal science spending

    President’s proposed FY 2011 budget outlines 5.9 percent increase in nondefense-related research and development funding.

  2. Life

    Skin cells transformed directly into neurons

    Researchers making neurons bypass the need to revert cells to an embryonic state.

  3. Life

    Keeping black bears wild

    Wildlife managers compare ways to keep bears away from food and people.

  4. Chemistry

    Self-stirring liquids

    Chemistry, not force, leads to fluid flow, mixes solution.

  5. Archaeology

    Skeleton of Western man found in ancient Mongolian tomb

    A genetic analysis of a skeleton from an ancient Asian tomb illuminates the spread of Indo-Europeans.

  6. Starting Anew

    Scientists turn to lowly creatures to unlock the secrets of regeneration.

  7. Breaking it Down

    Studies of how things fall apart may lead to materials that don’t.

  8. Book Review: What On Earth Evolved? 100 Species That Changed the World by Christopher Lloyd

    Review by Sid Perkins.

  9. Book Review: The Joy of Chemistry: The Amazing Science of Familiar Things by Cathy Cobb and Monty L. Fetterolf

    Review by Rachel Ehrenberg.

  10. Book Review: Breeding Bio Insecurity: How U.S. Biodefense Is Exporting Fear, Globalizing Risk, and Making Us All Less Secure by Lynn C. Klotz and Edward J. Sylvester

    Review by Rachel Zelkowitz.

  11. Streetlights and Shadows: Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision Making by Gary Klein

    Good decision makers share traits such as being accepting of ambiguity and complexity, one scientist argues. MIT Press, 2009, 337 p., $27.95. STREETLIGHTS AND SHADOWS: SEARCHING FOR THE KEYS TO ADAPTIVE DECISION MAKING BY GARY KLEIN

  12. On Thin Ice: The Changing World of the Polar Bear by Richard Ellis

    The natural history of polar bears entwines with human history in this science writer’s ode to the world’s largest land carnivore. ON THIN ICE: THE CHANGING WORLD OF THE POLAR BEAR BY RICHARD ELLIS Alfred A. Knopf, 2009, 400 p., $28.95.
