Robots can use coffee as a picker-upper
A gripper made of a bag of loose grains has advantages over grasping devices that use individual digits.
India yields fossil trove in amber
Insect remains suggest the continent hosted a surprisingly wide variety of creatures 50 million years ago.
Breathe better with bitter
Taste receptors in the lungs open airways in response to acrid gases.
Health & Medicine
Pet frogs can transmit salmonella
A CDC investigation adds a common aquarium species to the list of amphibians that can carry and spread bacteria.
By Nathan Seppa -
Why flies can drink and drink
Fruit flies use sophisticated pumps to suck fluids as thick as syrup.
Iron in the Mix
Scientists look for the secret behind high-temperature superconductors.
Massacre at Sacred Ridge
A violent Pueblo incident sparks debate regarding prehistoric genocide.
By Bruce Bower -
Smoke from a Distant Fire
Burning forests can send aerosols into the stratosphere and around the world.
By Sid Perkins -
Planetary Science
Venus, erupting?
Lava flow suggests recent volcanism on Earth’s nearest planetary neighbor.
Doing the wet-dog wiggle
Hairy animals have evolved to shed water quickly by shaking at the optimal speed for their size.
Winning the World Series with math
A nearly circular path could be the fastest way to home plate.
Science Future
November 6 Tweens can explore science and magic at the Moore Public Library in Tacoma, Wash. http://www.tacomapubliclibrary.org November 6 The Orlando Science Center in Florida hosts a “Neanderthal Ball.” Cocktail dress with caveman couture. http://www.osc.org November 17 Entry deadline for teen whiz kid competition, the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search. http://www.societyforscience.org/sts
By Science News