Like most environmental journalism, the article describes the problem well but not the solution. It would be useful if information about native landscaping were included in this article as an alternative to non-native species.

Frank Hassler
Champaign, Ill.

Your interesting piece on invasive plants touched upon, but otherwise ignored, mycoherbicides for control of noxious weeds. Mycoherbicides, the fungal enemies of plants, can be specifically targeted to plant species. Regrettably, public misperception has discouraged their production and use. Were this not so, noxious weeds such as leafy spurge could be eliminated to the benefit of farmers, and other mycotoxins could be developed to stop gypsy moths, Asian longhorn beetles, and many other specific organisms harmful to the economy.

Thomas F. Norton
Fleetwings Inc.
Easton, Md.

Something you may wish to consider, perhaps in a follow-up article, is the effect of municipal weed ordinances. They’re often based on nothing more than pure naiveté yet can form the foundation for the spread of exotics. For example, ordinances typically prohibit growing certain plants above an arbitrary height, such as 6 inches, which prevents most native plants from bearing seed. This sets up an environment rife with opportunity for invasive exotic cultivars, which typically aren’t considered weeds by such ordinances and are thus allowed to grow and spread their seeds. Most of these ordinances are 20 years old or more and still reflect the 1950s attitude that you can completely control nature and mandate a homogenous monoculture.

James W. Anderson III
Scio, Ohio