The Science Life

  1. Animals

    With a little convincing, rats can detect tuberculosis

    TB-sniffing rats prove more accurate in detecting infection, especially in children, than the most commonly used diagnostic tool.

  2. Animals

    Humpback whale bumps have marine biologists stumped

    Christine Gabriele is taking tissue samples from humpback whales in Hawaii to determine why more and more have nodular dermatitis.

  3. Science & Society

    Kids are starting to picture scientists as women

    An analysis of studies asking kids to draw a scientist finds that the number of females drawn has increased over the last 50 years.

  4. Animals

    Here’s why so many saiga antelope mysteriously died in 2015

    Higher than normal temperatures turned normally benign bacteria lethal, killing hundreds of thousands of the saiga antelopes.

  5. Animals

    In marine mammals’ battle of the sexes, vaginal folds can make the difference

    Patricia Brennan and colleagues found certain female ocean mammals have vaginal folds that give them an advantage in mating

  6. Animals

    Surgeon aims to diagnose deformities of extinct saber-toothed cats

    Using CT scans, one orthopedic surgeon is on a quest to diagnose deformities in long-dead saber-toothed cats.

  7. Life

    This biochemist brews a wild beer

    Wild beer studies are teaching scientists and brewers about the tropical fruit smell and sour taste of success.

  8. Animals

    A researcher reveals the shocking truth about electric eels

    A biologist records the electrical current traveling through his arm during an electric eel’s defensive leap attack.

  9. Science & Society

    To combat cholera in Yemen, one scientist goes back to basics

    As the cholera epidemic rages on in war-torn Yemen, basic hygiene is the first line of defense.

  10. Planetary Science

    What Curiosity has yet to tell us about Mars

    Curiosity has revealed a lot about Mars in the last five years. But NASA’s rover still has work to do on the Red Planet.

  11. Astronomy

    Balloons will broadcast the 2017 solar eclipse live from on high

    Astrophysicist Angela Des Jardins is coordinating the first-ever livestream of a solar eclipse filmed from balloons.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Researchers stumble onto a new role for breast cancer drug

    At first, ophthalmologist Xu Wang thought her experiment had failed. But instead, she revealed a new role for the breast cancer drug tamoxifen — protection from eye injury.
