The Science Life

  1. Math

    How one physicist is unraveling the mathematics of knitting

    Understanding how knots influence textile properties could lead to bespoke materials.

  2. Space

    To rehearse Perseverance’s mission, scientists pretended to be a Mars rover

    Seven Mars scientists pretended to be the Mars Perseverance rover on a training exercise in the Nevada desert.

  3. Animals

    How Yellowstone wolves got their own page

    Since the wolves’ reintroduction to the park, 25 years of devoted watching has chronicled bold moves, big fights and lots of puppies.

  4. Science & Society

    Real-life scientists inspire these comic book superheroes

    Three scientists are publishing comics casting researchers as heroes, and hope the cartoon format and pared-down storyline can boost science literacy.

  5. Ecosystems

    Tapirs may be key to reviving the Amazon. All they need to do is poop

    Brazilian ecologist Lucas Paolucci is collecting tapir dung to understand how the piglike mammals may help restore degraded rain forests.

  6. Paleontology

    Deep caves are a rich source of dinosaur prints for this paleontologist

    Several deep caves in France are proving to be a surprising source of dinosaur tracks.

  7. Animals

    Dancing peacock spiders turned an arachnophobe into an arachnologist

    Just 22, Joseph Schubert has described 12 of 86 peacock spider species. One with a blue and yellow abdomen is named after Van Gogh’s Starry Night.

  8. Climate

    These women endured a winter in the high Arctic for citizen science

    Two women have spent the winter on the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard to collect data for climate scientists around the world.

  9. Life

    Microbiologists took 12 years to grow a microbe tied to complex life’s origins

    Years of lab work resulted in growing a type of archaea that might help scientists understand one of evolution’s giant leaps toward complexity.

  10. Earth

    Debate over signs of early life inspires dueling teams to go to Greenland — together

    The remote site — which may or may not contain evidence of the most ancient life on Earth — could help scientists plan how to study such signs on Mars.

  11. Animals

    A biochemist’s extraction of data from honey honors her beekeeper father

    Tests of proteins in honey could one day be used to figure out what bees are pollinating and which pathogens they carry.

  12. Animals

    Why one biologist chases hurricanes to study spider evolution

    For more rigorous spider data, Jonathan Pruitt rushes into the paths of hurricanes.
