Science Visualized

  1. Planetary Science

    New exoplanet: Big Earth or small Neptune?

    NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has discovered a “cousin” of Earth 1,400 light-years away. But even though the new planet bears many similarities to Earth, experts say much about it remains a mystery.

  2. Ecosystems

    Encased algae create kaleidoscope of color

    The skeletons of diatoms, algae that produce oxygen but also form toxic blooms, can create beautiful microscopic designs.

  3. Genetics

    Genetic switch wipes out tumors in mice

    By switching on a single gene, researchers turned cancer cells in mice back into normal intestinal tissue.

  4. Astronomy

    A loopy look at sunspots

    In visible light, sunspots look like dark blotches that often expel flares of searing plasma. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory offers a different view.

  5. Life

    Twisty chains of proteins keep cells oriented

    The counterclockwise twist of protein fibers jutting out from the edge of human cells allow the cells to distinguish right from left.

  6. Astronomy

    Cosmic superlens gives telescopes a boost

    A map of galaxy cluster Abell 2744 unveils how gravity magnifies and smears images of far more distant galaxies.

  7. Life

    Male stag beetles face weighty problem for flight

    Male stag beetles need enormous mandibles to fend off other males and find a mate, but computer simulations show that the giant jaws make running and flying very difficult.

  8. Genetics

    ‘Brainbow’ illuminates cellular connections

    A mouse’s optic nerve fluoresces in a rainbow of colors. The image offers a detailed look at nerve-protector cells called oligodendrocytes.

  9. Climate

    Monster storm dominates view from space station

    A stunning photograph from the International Space Station captures the size and power of Typhoon Maysak, which clamored through the Western Pacific.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Pink blobs of hope in cancer-targeting quest

    Cancer drugs coated with plastic can reach a mouse’s lungs for targeted delivery, but steering the capsules to the right spots can be a challenge.

  11. Anthropology

    How to reconstruct the face of an extinct human ancestor

    3-D designer reconstructs portraits of ancestors for the human family album.

  12. Planetary Science

    Titan’s vast seas may drive methane cycle

    A phenomenon similar to Earth’s hydrological cycle on Saturn’s largest moon Titan may create different lake compositions, similar to the salinity difference between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.
