Science Visualized

  1. Neuroscience

    See these first-of-a-kind views of living human nerve cells

    A catalog of live brain cells reveals stunning diversity and intricate shapes, and may help scientists understand the abilities of the human brain.

  2. Planetary Science

    See a new mosaic of images of comet 67P from the Rosetta mission

    A montage of images taken by the Rosetta spacecraft and its lander, Philae, recap the daring mission to comet 67P.

  3. Oceans

    Here’s a breakdown of the animals that crossed the Pacific on 2011 tsunami debris

    Hundreds of marine animals from Japan have washed up on U.S. beaches since the destructive 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

  4. Materials Science

    Tiny ‘supraballs’ put a new spin on creating long-lasting color

    Nano-sized balls of melanin and silica generate durable colors.

  5. Animals

    Pollen hitches a ride on bees in all the right spots

    Flower reproduction depends on the pollen that collects in hard-to-reach spots on bees, a new study shows.

  6. Oceans

    How deep water surfaces around Antarctica

    New 3-D maps trace the pathway that deep water takes to the surface of the Southern Ocean.

  7. Cosmology

    Map reveals the invisible universe of dark matter

    The Dark Energy Survey reports a new tally of the dark universe.

  8. Astronomy

    Here are the paths of the next 15 total solar eclipses

    From 2017 to 2040, there will be 15 total solar eclipses. Here's a map of where to see them.

  9. Animals

    Why midsize animals are the fastest

    New analysis delves into the mystery of why medium-sized animals are speedier than bigger ones.

  10. Earth

    Snow and rain tug on earthquake faults in California

    California’s water cycle is linked to periodic increases in small earthquakes.

  11. Planetary Science

    See the latest stunning views of Jupiter

    Once every 53 days, NASA’s Juno spacecraft zooms past Jupiter’s cloud tops. A new sequence of images reveals the encounter from Juno’s viewpoint.

  12. Animals

    Big slimy lips are the secret to this fish’s coral diet

    A new imaging study reveals how tubelip wrasses manage to munch on stinging corals.
