Science Visualized

  1. Particle Physics

    A major new neutrino experiment is nearing completion

    The JUNO experiment, which will study the ways of the electrically neutral subatomic particles, will be the largest of its kind.

  2. Astronomy

    A zombie star’s spiky filaments shed light on a 12th century supernova

    A 3-D map of the strange remains of a supernova seen in 1181 traces the odd tendrils of gas that jut out for several light-years in all directions.

  3. Life

    Here are some stellar picks from Nikon’s top microscopy images of 2024

    The annual Small World photomicrography competition, now in its 50th year, puts life’s smallest details under the microscope.

  4. Paleontology

    Despite new clues, this ancient fish has stumped scientists for centuries

    The 50-million-year-old Pegasus volans isn't closely related to seamoths or oarfish, like some researchers have suggested. But what is it?

  5. Math

    This intricate maze connects the dots on quasicrystal surfaces

    The winding loop touches every point without crossing itself and could help make a unique class of atomic structures more efficient catalysts, scientists say.

  6. Neuroscience

    Biological puzzles abound in an up-close look at a human brain

    Mirror-image nerve cells, tight bonds between neuron pairs and surprising axon swirls abound in a bit of gray matter smaller than a grain of rice.

  7. Space

    Explore a map of the next 15 total solar eclipses

    Check out our interactive map showing the path and timing for every total solar eclipse from 2024 to 2044.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Here’s what distorted faces can look like to people with prosopometamorphopsia

    A patient with an unusual variation of the condition helped researchers visualize the demonic distortions he sees when looking at human faces.

  9. Animals

    See 3-D models of animal anatomy from openVertebrate’s public collection

    Over six years, researchers took CT scans of over 13,000 vertebrates to make museum collections more easily accessible to researchers and the public.

  10. Earth

    Where are U.S. earthquakes most likely? A new map shows the hazard risks

    Updates to the National Seismic Hazard Model have elevated the average ground shaking hazard across the country.

  11. Physics

    What happens when lawn sprinklers suck in water? Physicists answer that quirky question

    Experiments with a floating sprinkler and laser-illuminated microparticles revealed the surprisingly complex physics behind a simple question.

  12. Paleontology

    The oldest known fossilized skin shows how life adapted to land

    The nearly 290 million-year-old cast belonged to a species of amniotes, four-legged vertebrates that today comprises all reptiles, birds and mammals.
