Science Stats

  1. Climate

    Hurricane reports ignore indirect deaths

    Nearly half of all hurricane and tropical storm fatalities are indirect, yet they typically aren’t included in official storm reports.

  2. Science & Society

    Contentious science topics on Wikipedia subject to editing mischief

    Global warming and other politically charged issues are prime targets for sabotage on Wikipedia.

  3. Climate

    Carbon cuts could save U.S. farmers billions of dollars

    Reducing carbon emissions could save U.S. agriculture industry billions of dollars annually by curtailing droughts.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Football games come with more head hits than practices do

    As football intensifies from practice to games, the number of impacts increases, a new study finds.

  5. Animals

    Simple change to fishing nets could save endangered whales’ lives

    Making industrial fishing ropes weaker would reduce humpback and right whale bycatch by almost three-quarters

  6. Climate

    Iceless Arctic summers now expected by 2050s

    The Arctic Ocean will have its first ice-free summer in the 2050s, nine years earlier than previously forecast, according to improved simulations.

  7. Environment

    Fracking doesn’t always go to great depths

    Fracking at shallow depths is unexpectedly common in the United States and raises new concern for drinking water contamination.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Bystanders deliver on CPR

    People suffering from cardiac arrest are more likely to survive without brain damage if a bystander performs CPR, new studies suggest.

  9. Climate

    Wildfire seasons have gotten almost 20 percent longer

    The average length of wildfire seasons has increased 18.7 percent since 1979, new research shows.

  10. Animals

    Giant pandas live in the slow lane

    Giant pandas burn far less energy than similarly sized land mammals.

  11. Earth

    Most of Earth’s impact craters await discovery

    Hundreds of undiscovered impact craters probably dot Earth’s surface, new research estimates.

  12. Science & Society

    Irreproducible life sciences research in U.S. costs $28 billion

    Problems with preclinical research often stem from study design and experiments’ materials.
