
  1. Animals

    ‘Domesticated’ explores how humans have altered animals

    Science journalist Richard Francis delves into the genetic changes humans have caused in dogs, cats, pigs, horses, camels and more.

  2. Animals

    ‘The Last Unicorn’ takes readers on quest to see a saola

    Nature writer William deBuys introduces readers to the enigmatic saola of Southeast Asia.

  3. Earth

    Spot the northern lights with Aurorasaurus

    Crowdsourced Aurorasaurus project uses Twitter to track the northern lights.

  4. Humans

    The expressive face of human history on display

    Busts on display in an Italian exhibit flesh out hominid skulls using the latest in 3-D reconstruction.

  5. Tech

    ‘Rust’ chronicles humankind’s incessant battle with corrosion

    ‘Rust’ recounts humanity’s unending battle against corrosion, which each year costs the United States an estimated $437 billion — more than all natural disasters combined.

  6. Anthropology

    ‘The Invaders’ sees dogs as key to modern humans’ success

    Neandertals went extinct when Homo sapiens transformed wolves into hunting aids, author proposes.

  7. Agriculture

    Cage free isn’t good enough for livestock, ‘The Modern Savage’ argues

    Even on a small farm, life can be brutal for animals, historian and animal rights advocate says in new book.

  8. Ecosystems

    When animals invade human spaces

    ‘Feral Cities’ explores the wildlife living amongst us, sometimes noticed and sometimes not.

  9. Oceans

    ‘Ocean Worlds’ chronicles the story of water on Earth and across the cosmos

    Jan Zalasiewicz and Mark Williams recount the history and predict the future of Earth’s oceans.

  10. Science & Society

    Enjoy scientific curios collected over decades

    Explore a modern scientist's curiosity cabinet.

  11. Science & Society

    ‘This Idea Must Die’ singles out scientific theories ready for retirement

    Researchers and writers weigh in on theories getting in the way of scientific progress in this collection of essays.

  12. Science & Society

    Steven Weinberg looks back at rise of scientific method

    Steven Weinberg’s new book ‘To Explain the World’ illustrates the difficulty of the development of modern science.
