
  1. Science Past from the issue of December 17, 1960

    HEAVY SHIELD UNNECESSARY — Heavy shielding as protection for an astronaut against space radiations may not be necessary, at least for trips of less than 50 hours and at distances not greater than 618 miles from earth…. [B]iological specimens were encased in different types of metal to test their effectiveness as shielding materials. Some specimens […]

  2. Science Future for December 4, 2010

    December 5Closing ceremony of the 2010 World Memory Championships in Guangzhou, China. See December 13 – 14Geminid meteor shower, all night but best after moonset around midnight. Look east and up. Info at December 17 Mummies of the World exhibit debuts in Milwaukee as part of its three-year tour. See

  3. Science Past from the Dember 3, 1960 issue

    ASTHMA CLUE FROM HORSES — Research into the deaths of thoroughbred horses, especially foals, has produced an entirely new approach to the treatment of asthma, hay fever and skin troubles in human beings…. During the course of the investigation on horses, a substance was found in certain white cells in the horses’ blood that played […]

  4. Science Future for November 20, 2010

    November 20 New York’s American Museum of Natural History opens its interactive brain exhibit. Go to December 2 San Francisco’s Exploratorium considers sugar, from its bodily functions to art. With cocktails. See December 2–3 Howard Hughes Medical Institute airs live classroom webcasts on infectious diseases. See

  5. Science Past from the issue of November 19, 1960

    MERCURY CAPSULE FAILS — Failure of the test shot of the Mercury space capsule and its pilot escape system will not “necessarily” delay putting a man in space, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration reported. NASA has scheduled a manned rocket launch for 1961. The Mercury spacecraft, designed to take an astronaut safely into outer […]

  6. Science Future

    November 6 Tweens can explore science and magic at the Moore Public Library in Tacoma, Wash. November 6 The Orlando Science Center in Florida hosts a “Neanderthal Ball.” Cocktail dress with caveman couture. November 17 Entry deadline for teen whiz kid competition, the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search.

  7. Science Past from the issue of November 5, 1960

    “BUMPERS” FOR SPACE SHIPS — Sound-proofed “meteor bumpers” for space ships are needed to provide important psychological and physical protection for astronauts traveling through fast moving concentrations of space dust as they leave the earth, Dr. Fred L. Whipple, director, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and a professor of astronomy at Harvard University, reported. The sound of […]

  8. Science Future for October 23, 2010

    October 28 – 30 National Science Teachers Association holds its Kansas City area conference on science education. Go to November 1 Slated launch date for shuttle Discovery’s final spaceflight. See November 5Nomination deadline for the 15th Annual Carnegie Science Awards. Go to

  9. Science Past from the issue of October 22, 1960

    WORLD TV VIA SATELLITES SET AT $170,000,000 — Fifty improved courier-type communications satellites would provide world-wide telephone and television facilities for a mere $170,000,000: $100,000,000 for the satellites and $70,000,000 for the ground stations. These are the figures the American Telephone and Telegraph Company estimated for the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, D.C. Without the […]

  10. Science Future for October 9, 2010

    October 10 – 24 First USA Science & Engineering Festival, held in D.C. Go to October 15 – 22 Third annual Imagine Science Film Festival celebrated in New York City theaters. See October 16 New Smithsonian exhibit opens featuring a coral reef made of yarn crocheted into geometric patterns. Go to

  11. Science Past from October 8, 1960 issue

    DO SEA SERPENTS EXIST? — The flurry of interest in sea monsters gained new impetus in September 1959, when Dr. Anton Brunn of Denmark described captured larval eels six feet long.… [T]he unusually large size of the larvae suggested that the parents must be of huge size. The adult eels, perhaps 30 to 50 feet […]

  12. Science Future for September 25, 2010

    September 25Free admission day to 17 museums in Houston. See September 30Peter Gleick gives an evening talk in San Francisco on Bottled & Sold, his book about the bottled water industry. Ages 21 and up. See October 4 – 6 Nobel Prizes announced for medicine or physiology, physics and chemistry. Go to
